Hypertension is a silent killer and most life-shortening diseases like heart problems, brain stroke, kidney failure etc that originate from uncontrolled blood pressure in the body. Unfortunately, today hypertension has turned into a common lifestyle disease in India. According to the World Health Statistics report, 23.10% of Indian men and 22.60% Indian women above 25 years suffer from hypertension. In other words, every third person we meet possibly suffers from BP issue. The report further states that as many as 60% of hypertension patients are not aware of their condition and 42% of the BP patients suffer from uncontrolled hypertension despite medication.
In this article, Delhi’s eminent Nutritionist and Dietician shares five wonder herbs that help people to avoid or control hypertension.
1. A daily cup of Ginger-Cardamom tea
According to a study, published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics in 2009, a group of participants was given one teaspoon of cardamom powder daily for several weeks. After a few weeks, the participants showed a significant reduction in blood pressure level in their body. Similarly like cardamom, ginger too improves blood circulation and if you add one cup of ginger cardamom tea, every day in your diet, both of these warming spices it will help you to control hypertension and improve your heart condition.
2. Garlic
This wonder herb can do far more than just flavor enhancement of a dish. Garlic has the ability to lower blood pressure by helping to increase nitric oxide in the body, which can cause blood vessels to relax and dilate. This lets blood flow more freely and reduces blood pressure. You may be able to lower your blood pressure by consuming 1/10 to 1/2 portion of one clove of fresh raw or dried garlic (after heating garlic loses most of its healing qualities).
However, first consult with your doctor and with an expert nutritionist, to know if your body is suitable to take raw garlic daily and how much quantity of garlic you should take every day, otherwise, garlic may harm your body, especially if you are on certain medications.
3. Flaxseed
Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and it helps to lower blood pressure. Take 30–50 grams of whole or ground seeds per day for more than 12 weeks to get the best benefits. Also, flaxseed protects the body against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by reducing serum cholesterol, improving glucose tolerance, and acting as an antioxidant. You can buy whole or ground flaxseed and add it to your home-cooked meals. The best part about flaxseed is that it can be stirred into dal, sabzis, and chappatis.
4. Ajwain
Our very own Ajwain, also known as Carrom Seeds in English, is commonly used in most Indian homes for food preparation and to improve digestive powers but Ajwain is also an excellent herb to control hypertension. According to Ayurveda, if ajwain is taken regularly it can regulate high blood pressure levels. Here is a simple way to take ajwain:
- Soak 2 tsp of dry roasted Ajwain seeds in a cup of water overnight.
- You could boil this water, strain, wait for it to cool down and then have it.
- You can simply mix the water well next morning, strain the water and have it on an empty stomach.
- Try drinking this every day and see the results yourself.
5. Vitamin D
According to a scientific study published in “The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology”, Vitamin-D is proven to reduce blood pressure and Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin-D. Hence the 5th herb is not a herb actually, but our very own sunlight. Daily try to spend 20-30 minutes in sunlight to maintain an adequate level of Vitamin D.

About the author: Avni Kaul is one of Delhi’s most trusted nutritionist and wellness coach. She is also a Diabetes Educator and specializes in weight management, child nutrition, skin and beauty health, thyroid disorder, cardiovascular health, diabetic management, wedding nutrition, sports nutrition, and corporate wellness.