Whenever one thinks of boiled vegetables, the first thought that comes to your mind is that you can not compromise with your taste buds. After all, many of you believe is that food provides joy and if one has to eat boiled vegetables, then that joy disappears.

Generally, eating boiled vegetables is the least preferred option unless one is ill. And no one wants to eat boiled vegetables when you are on an outing with your friends or family. Specially when a platter of tempting rich and spicy foods is available.

However, even if one consumes boiled vegetables, even once in a day, you could have several health benefits, that you are not even aware of.

This blog by India’s Top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about some of the health benefits of eating boiled vegetables.

Besides helping in promoting weight loss, eating boiled vegetables have lots of other benefits too.

Safer to Eat

Boiling is known to destroy most harmful microorganisms. Hence, boiling of vegetables makes the food safer. This is one of the reasons why some people boil their food before cooking their food thoroughly. It means that when you eat boiled food, you can be certain that it contains fewer microorganisms as compared to eating them raw.

Helps Prevent Acidity

Boiled foods are softer to chew and eat and therefore they are easier to digest than those that have been fried. They need less stomach acid to dissolve them too. This greatly reduces your chances of suffering from high stomach acidity.

Enhances the Number of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important in helping to keep the body healthy. These substances are accountable for protecting the body against free radicals. These free radicals are harmful molecules that can create a chain of chemical reactions that may be the cause of adverse events in the body, from the ageing of cells prematurely, to helping in the propagation of cancer cells.

Keeps Skin Healthy

Boiling food retains more nutrients than other methods of cooking, which means that your food is more nutritious. These nutrients help in maintaining the functions of the body. When your body is healthy from the inside, it reflects on the outside. You can see this through healthy and glowing skin.

Helps Prevent the formation of Kidney Stones

Boiling the food that one eats can remove nearly 87% of the oxalates that the foods have. These oxalates are compounds that are responsible for the development of unwanted kidney stones. With a majority of these oxalates gone, you are actually taking in fewer amounts of oxalates which help in the formation and treatment of kidney stones.

It is Good As a Baby Weaning Food

Many mothers opt to buy ready-made formula food when it comes to weaning babies. However, boiled vegetables are a wonderful alternative. They are not only nutritious and economical, but they are also good for filling up a baby’s hungry tummy. They are also quite easy to absorb and digest, as well as contain high water content.

Good for Alleviating the Stomach Inflammation

There are plenty of reasons why people suffer from stomach inflammation. One of the most prominent reasons is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori which can cause stomach ulcers. Apart from making sure that the food is safe, boiling food before eating also softens it up. When food is softer, it lessens the pressure on the linings of the stomach. The softer food also contains a simpler form of vital nutrients as they have been already broken down while boiling.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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