Nutritionist Avni Kaul Shares Ways to be in Shape if you have Prolonged Sitting Hours
Nowadays, most of the jobs demand working on computers. That means one has to spend a considerable amount of time sitting. Which in other terms is known as a sedentary work style, where less physical activity is required. Ever since the pandemic stuck, several people were forced to work from home. As a result, many people have been confined to their homes while doing their jobs using computers that need prolonged sitting hours.
Many of you might have already noticed that you have been working a good 8 to 10 hours while using computers at homes or offices for several months now. This may have led you to gain some weight. Isn’t it?
Weight loss Nutritionist Avni says it is difficult for those to manage their weight who have jobs that require prolonged sitting hours.
The desk-based jobs combined with mindless snacking and the hectic schedule makes one feel sluggish frequently which could lead to weight gain.
Sitting for a long time has several other negative health issues such as increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.
This blog by India’s eminent weight loss nutritionist and dietician Avni Kaul shares some tips that will help you stay fit, specially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
Include Exercise in your Routine
Reserve at least 30 to 45 minutes of your time for exercise every day irrespective of how busy you are. It is important for your health. If you do not wish to go to the gym (specially post-pandemic outbreak) opt for a simple workout such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling or whatever suits you.
Discard Elevators, Opt for Stairs
While in the office, opt for the stairs instead of the elevator. You will feel fitter once you have been doing this for a while. Walking between 7500 and 10,000 steps will help reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol level.
Refrain from Using the Vending Machine
Several organizations these days, install vending machines that can be used by employees to fetch themselves beverages and snacks. No matter how much temptation or craving you have for chips and soda-based drinks kept inside the vending machine, try to refrain from using them. These foods contain no nutrients and are high in calories, which can only ruin your health. Instead keep some healthy snacks at your desk that will fill you up.
Carry your Own Meal
If reducing or maintaining weight is your aim, then ensure you carry your own homemade meals every day to the office. Food made in restaurants or other eating joints contain a high number of calories and fat, which leads to weight gain. Pack healthy and nutritious meals in your lunch box to keep yourself full and satisfied.
Water is Crucial
Place a bottle of water at your desk, so that you can regularly hydrate yourself. Make sure that you drink around 3 liters of water every day. Dehydration may harm you in several ways, so do not take this lightly.
Stand and Stretch at your Desk
While you are at work, keep moving. Do not keep sitting on your desk throughout the day. This will not only make you sluggish but will also lead to weight gain. Take a small interval of 3 to 4 minutes every hour. Stand at your desk, stretch a bit or move a bit. If your job needs you to be on the phone a lot, stand and talk. These minor things will help you burn more calories.
**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program for Weight Loss and Immune Boosting
Staying fit and developing a strong immune system is the top priority for everyone to protect themselves and their families in these globally critical times. Hence maintaining a healthy body weight, defeat obesity, eating healthy immunity-boosting diets has become the call of the day.
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