Winter is the season to indulge in seasonal cuisine as well as in foods that keep your body warm, healthy, and free from seasonal ailments. While several foods are renowned for their nutritious benefits, dietician Avni refers to ginger as the ideal winter superfood and advises including it in your diet throughout the frigid season.
Every Indian kitchen includes ginger which is generally added to tea to give it a stronger flavour. It is also added to certain foods you cook. Ginger has long been utilized as a natural treatment for the flu and the common cold.
This blog, by weight loss expert and leading dietician Avni Kaul, shares 5 reasons you need to add Adrak (Ginger) to your winter diet.
Helps in Digestion: Ginger contains gingerol, a naturally occurring compound. Several people use it to improve digestion in general.
Reduces Cholesterol: Ginger can help reduces your levels of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.
Relieves Joint Pain: Ginger helps to decrease inflammation since it has anti-inflammatory effects. It may help with arthritic symptom management. Daily consumption could reduce swelling and pain.
Prevents Cold and Flu: Wintertime also brings an enhanced danger of the common cold and the flu. Ginger has a long history of use as a natural cold and flu remedy. It can also help lessen throat inflammation, which is a common problem in winter.
Relief from Heartburn: An age-old, natural treatment for heartburn is ginger. It is typically taken for this purpose in tea.
Try to include ginger to combat the cold weather. You can take it raw or blend it with your hot cup of tea every day.