Common Diet Mistakes That Are Keeping You  From Reducing Weight

Delhi top Weight Loss Dietician Avni Kaul

Have you been dieting for several weeks and still have not lost an inch? Perhaps you need to rethink your dieting rules. The first thing that comes to mind when you talk about reducing weight is to cut off calories from your regular meals and get yourself on a restrictive diet. While partially it is true, a lot of people tend to make mistakes while applying it.

There appears to be plenty of confusion between what to eat, what to stay away from, and how much to eat. This has lent way to several dieting myths that most of you conveniently believe and fail to understand that they might be taking you away from your weight loss goals.

India’s top Nutritionist and Dietician for Weight Loss, Avni Kaul, talks about the common diet mistakes that are keeping you away from reducing weight.

You Begin with a Light Breakfast

Scraping on the first meal of your day could slow down your metabolism and make certain hormonal changes that can hamper the weight reduction process. Not fulfilling your nutrition needs after a long break of 8 or 9 hours can also make you eat extra during your next meal and intensify your hunger. Besides providing you the much-needed energy, most of your breakfast foods like milk, whole grains, nuts, and fresh fruits are good sources of essential nutrients like calcium, iron, proteins, and fiber. The body requires these essential nutrients to burn calories and do various digestive and elimination functions. If you miss your daily dose of these nutrients at breakfast, you are less likely to be compensated for this loss later during the day. In short, having a wholesome breakfast makes it simpler to follow a calorie-controlled diet throughout the day.

Do Not Practice Portion Control

You might have switched to a whole grain loaf from white bread, olive oil from refined oil, and nuts from fried snacks, but the aim is not only to make these healthy changes but also to practice portion control. Simply because these are healthier than its counterparts does not mean you can eat a pile of it. In fact, restricting calories do not mean giving up on important foods but instead limiting your portions. 

Focus Just on One Food Group

Your body requires a balanced diet and the composition of your body depends upon meeting the basic needs for its proper functioning. It is essential to get out of starvation mode and provide the basic amount of proteins, fiber, and fats to your body. The worst thing that can happen to your body is to deprive it of the important food groups – carbohydrates and fats included – you require all of them even to reduce weight. Going for a gluten-free or a vegan diet for no specific reason can do more harm than good. Stick to the basics of a balanced diet and staples that you have been eating but with mindfulness.

Don’t Believe in Snacking

In an attempt to reduce weight quickly, it is essential to keep your metabolism up throughout the day. For this, one needs to eat frequently (small portions) every 3 to 4 hours. Ideally, it is advised to have a snack between breakfast and lunch which could be a bowl of fruits or salad, and then again between lunch and dinner which could be few nuts or raw vegetables. Keeping long gaps between your meals may spike your blood sugar levels which could play havoc with your system making your feel hungrier.

Eats Early But Sleeps Too Late

A general advice to reduce weight is to eat dinner before 7:00 P.M. A huge hurdle while following this advice is that when one eats early but sleeps late. Thus, your body is naturally hungry by midnight and those after-hour cravings are just irresistible and can ruin your plan. Even if you manage to curb these cravings somehow, you may end up eating extra the next morning to satisfy your hunger and thus, land yourself in a vicious cycle. So, either you go to sleep early or have your dinner a bit late. If you are having a late-dinner, make certain it contains the least calories among all your major meals of the day.

One Consumes Only Low-Calorie Foods

Going on a weight loss diet does not say that you can only depend on foods that are low in calories. In fact, your meals need to consist of foods that keep you full for longer such as fiber-rich fruits and whole grains, and those that give fullness and high levels of satiety such as amaranth, millet, and eggs. This way you will never feel deprived or have the urge to binge.

Not Drinking Sufficient Water

Instead of drinking sufficient water, you choose to drink juices from fruits and vegetables. This is probably the biggest mistake that you are making. Fiber is your best weapon to fight the accumulation of fat and encourage weight reduction. Juicing up your fruits and vegetable may lead to a loss in fiber. Substituting water for other drinks can up your calorie intake. Drinking water helps in managing your appetite as thirst or dehydration could sometimes be confused with hunger by your body.

Special Online Diet Program, Designed for Home Quarantine

Do anxiety, boredom, and stress from home isolation are causing you sleeplessness, fluctuations in blood pressure and sugar levels, frequent indigestions? Are you worried about your immunity level and weight gain due to the homestay and due to the absence of morning walks and Gym?
Join Nutritionist Avni Kaul’s special online diet program, designed to keep you fit, reach weight loss goals and boost your immunity while you stay during the home isolation. To know more and book your online appointment, call 9953228642.

Talk to the Nutritionist Avni Kaul to know more about Special online diet programs for weight loss and obesity management, Therapeutic Diets for people suffering from Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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