Some Amazing Health Benefits of Tomato Soup, That You May Not Know

The chilly winter days are when everyone enjoys warm, filling, and flavour-packed tomato soup.

Nutritionist Avni says that the tomato soup is one of the most commonly made soups during the winter season. The tomatoes are roasted, stewed, and later pureed to prepare a creamy and rich soup. There are many health benefits of this wonderful and tasty soup.

Through this blog, India’s eminent Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul sheds light on some of the health benefits one may get from tomato soup.
Here, are some of the following.

A single bowl of tomato soup consists of several nutrients that include Vitamin A, C, E, and K besides important minerals and antioxidants that are beneficial for your overall health.

Bone Health

The vitamin K and calcium in tomato soup helps you get healthy bones. Lycopene in tomato soup boosts bone mass which helps countering osteoporosis. Consuming tomato soup daily decreases the blood levels of TNF alpha by approximately 34%. A deficiency in lycopene could increase oxidative stress in the bones and cause unwanted changes in the tissues. You can keep these issues away by making tomato soup a daily part of your meal.

Disease Countering Lycopene

As stated before, tomato soup is rich in lycopene, the pigment that provides the fruit its bright color. Processed tomato has more lycopene than raw ones. Lycopene neutralizes the oxidative damage that occurs due to free radicals, a molecule that assists aging. A diet rich in lycopene helps fight chronic diseases and prevents stroke. A cup of tomato soup gives 13.3 milligrams of lycopene. That’s sufficient to keep your body fit.

Cardiovascular Health

The high amount of vitamin C in tomato soup gives arterial protection. It bolsters the heart and protects it from problems like blockage of arteries and prevents stroke. It decreases the deposition of fats in the blood vessels, decreasing bad cholesterol. Tomato soup also helps prevents the clumping of platelet cells in the blood.

Blood Circulation

Selenium present in tomato soup improves blood circulation which prevents anemia which is one of it’s top benefits. A single serving of tomato soup gives 7 micrograms of selenium, providing 11% of the daily recommended intake.


Tomato soup is a source of vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is needed for tissue development. It activates the genes of the newborn cells helping them to grow into mature tissue. A bowl of tomato soup gives nearly 16% of the daily recommended quantity of vitamin A. Vitamin C is needed to maintain healthy tendons and ligaments. Tomato soup gives 20% of the daily-recommended quantity of vitamin C. So, having a bowl of tomato soup every day  helps to keep the body healthy.

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Join Nutritionist Avni Kaul’s special online diet program, designed to keep you fit, reach weight loss goals and boost your immunity while you stay during the home isolation. To know more and book your online appointment, call 9953228642.

Talk to the Nutritionist Avni Kaul to know more about Special online diet programs for weight loss and obesity management, Therapeutic Diets for people suffering from Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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