The corporate life of the employees is so conflicting; they slog all day on office table while staying glued to their chairs. Their mind & body suffers most in the bargain, as their movement is constrained. They cannot exercise and burn calories, facing ill health and stress more often. Here are some tips to burn those unwanted calories in office confinement.
Way to burn calories
Try desk Pushups – Try pushups, the best way to lose calories fast. You just need a minute or two against your desk or the bathroom counter, or a wall to do it. Keep your posture straight as a reed while you perform this exercise.
Cardio rope skips– Take a minute off every hour to jump rope or just jump without a rope. It is an effective cardio exercise to better your metabolism and burn calories.
Stairway– Use stairways instead of elevator to climb. Step up fast take double steps for faster cardio effect.
Yoga at the office– You can perform yoga sitting in a ‘crescent moon’ sitting posture. Extend your arms straight up with the erect spine, bring hands together with the stretched out fingers. Lean sideways towards the right, taking 2 to 3 deep breaths. Similarly, repeat with the right side. Two minutes of yoga can bring great changes.
Restless movement helps
The Fidgety people who are constantly moving restlessly, burn more calories. To burn calories and staying active, lift your feet inches off the ground and move your knees and legs up and down several times. The faster you move more calories you would lose.
Chair supports exercise
You need to stand and step away from the desk chair. Bend your right knee while placing foot on the seat behind for support. Now bend forward as much you can, without support from the hands, and then come back in the original position. Do as many times as possible using both legs, one at a time.
By losing calories, you not only stay fit and healthy, you can avoid body pains.
written by Avni Kaul – Nutritionist and Wellness Coach