Celebrity Dietician Avni Kaul Decodes the Signs of a Weak Immune System

Celebrity Dietician Avni Kaul

No matter how much a person may look fit and healthy, the strength of the body’s immune system is not always easy to judge from the outside. Though with past health records, some predictions can be made for immunity level,  there is no guarantee that a person will continue to carry a good immune system, especially if he/she is a resident of a super polluted and stressful metropolitan city.

2020 has made it mandatory for everyone to build and maintain a strong immune system to defend against bacteria and deadly viruses and their mutations.

In this article, India’s celebrated Dietician and top nutritionist, Avni Kaul decodes the secret of identifying early signs that can indicate when a person’s immunity is low. And hence, should take immediate measures to boost it.

Long Term Stress

Long-term stress is the most common cause and indicator of diminishing immune system strength. If you have been frequently suffering from stress, it’s time to consult a health expert. According to the American Psychological Association, stress tends to decrease the white blood cells in our body, which gradually weakens their capability to fight against external infections.

Feeling Tired in the Morning

If you frequently feel tired after waking up in the morning, then seek immediate medical attention. There is a possibility that this condition may be a result of a weak immune system which may be impacting the body’s energy levels. In case you are constantly feeling drained of energy, it’s time to consult an expert.

Suffering from Cold

As an average adult, it is normal to catch a cold two to three times a year, while babies, toddlers, and preschoolers get about seven to eight colds a year.  Typically, it takes 7 -10 days to recover from a regular cold. If the numbers are higher than average for the frequency of catching a cold or recovering from it, then that too is an indication of a poor immune system.

Slow Healing

Slow healing of wounds is another sign of a weak immune system. A body can only be healthy and recover timely if it is backed by a strong immune system.


Overweight is another indicator and cause of a weak immune system. Having too much fat can inhibit the body’s ability of white blood cells to multiply, produce antibodies, and prevent inflammation.

A study conducted by the new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine on laboratory mice shows that obesity reduces the body’s ability to turn on elements of its immune systems needed for controlling influenza infection.

To know more on how you can improve or boost your immunity naturally, you can read our previous blogs at:

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program

Do anxiety, boredom, and stress from home isolation are causing you sleeplessness, fluctuations in blood pressure and sugar levels, frequent indigestions? Are you worried about your immunity level and weight gain due to the homestay and due to the absence of morning walks and Gym?
Join Nutritionist Avni Kaul’s special online diet program, designed to keep you fit, reach weight loss goals and boost your immunity while you stay during the home isolation. To know more and book your online appointment, call 9953228642.

Talk to the Nutritionist Avni Kaul to know more about Special online diet programs for weight loss and obesity management, Therapeutic Diets for people suffering from Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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