Some Amazing Benefits of Cooking in Clay Pot

clay pot cooking diet benefits

Earthenware utensils are one of the most trending kitchen accessories because they provide numerous health benefits. Try cooking using earthenware utensils today

In ancient India, and still in many homes today in India people use earthen cookware for all their daily needs. Indian households have historically been known to cook food in earthen pans. However, the time and maintenance to keep these vessels have always led urban households to quest for new options such as non-stick cookware aluminum and steel over clay.

However, if you have ever tasted Handi biryani or Handi chicken, have you ever thought about what lends these dishes that distinct aroma and earthy flavor? If you guessed earthen or clay pots, then you are absolutely right! Though this cooking concept is not modern, many people are switching over to these pots for cooking.

Leading weight loss expert and eminent dietician Avni Kaul shares some incredible benefits of cooking food using clay pots, ways to do it, and several more related aspects.

Benefits of cooking using clay pots

Here are some of the benefits, that will make you feel surprised.

Food cooked in clay pots lends a nice flavor

The pots are made of clay, which is alkaline in nature. This quality enables it to interact with the acids in the food when cooking, thus balancing its pH. Not just do they make the food healthier but also provide a nice aroma to it. The food cooked using clay pots becomes high in several minerals like iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.

It makes the dish aromatic

The true aroma of the food is retained while cooked in an earthen or clay pot. This occurs because of the porous nature of the clay pots and also due to it uses slow cooking process.

It retains the nutritive value of food

Clay pots are porous and let the heat and moisture circulate evenly during the complete cooking process. This allows the food retains more nutritive value compared to food prepared with other kinds of utensils. Also, meat prepared using clay pots remains juicy and tender.

Less usage of cooking oil, thus good for your heart and overall weight

Cooking using the clay pot or earthen cookware means that less oil is used for cooking. This lowers the food’s fat content and enhances the nutritional content of the food due to the minerals in the clay. Using a clay Tawa, the parathas take less oil, and eventually, reduce fat content.

Since excess oil is not good for a healthy heart, and also it leads to weight gain. Thus, food cooked in a clay pot or earthen cookware plays a significant role as it requires less oil to prepare foods. Since the cooking procedure is slow it also helps to retain the natural moisture and oils present in the food.

Some Amazing Benefits of Cooking in Clay Pot

Sources: https : // https://

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