Leading Dietician Avni Kaul shares the Benefits of Eating the traditional Gond Laddu Post Pregnancy

In perhaps every Indian family, our grandmothers have been taking care of us since childhood. And believe it or not, they perhaps know the secret ingredients and healing recipes to cure any problem that you may have which even medicines may not be able to. And it is also true that your kitchen holds several health-beneficial herbs and spices.

A woman needs plenty of care and attention post-pregnancy. Since a mother goes through many physical, hormonal, and mental changes, it reflects on her health. Her body is weak, and her immune system is not so good after the delivery of the baby.

When one talks of pregnancy, it is not just a 9 months phase when a mother’s diet is important. The time following the birth of the baby is even more crucial, and many times that is often neglected.

This sensitive time requires some simple, quick-fix but most essentially healthy foods that could stimulate the new mother’s energy and help her recover during the postnatal phase.

One such traditional remedy includes the healthy “Gond Laddus”.

What is a Gondh Laddu?

Dry fruits and Gondh Laddus have been all-time household favorites for Indians for ages. These tasty, small sweet balls lend a great nutritional value to a new mother’s health. And there is a valid reason that generations have loved the benefits of Gond laddus. The gond laddus are usually made of sugar, desi ghee, raisins, and plenty of dry fruits and nuts along with edible gum also known as gondh.

The importance of gond laddu on a women’s health is being explained by Delhi’s top dietician for pregnancy, Avni Kaul, through this blog.

Lend calories to the mother

The mother has already gone through a lot of effort and now she is breastfeeding her baby regularly. It is natural for the mother to get tired and become dizzy easily. Hence, she requires to eat energy-providing foods. And gondh laddus are the perfect remedy for that. Made using dry fruits, raisins, sugar, edible gum, ghee, or clarified butter these laddus are high on energy and rejuvenate the body of the new mothers.

Boosts immunity

New mothers or nursing mothers require to have strong immunity to maintain a healthy body and to protect their newborns from any infections or diseases. A top source of fibre and fat, gondh laddus help to boost immunity for the mother post-delivery. It keeps the mother safe from cough and cold or any other seasonal flu.

Relieves pain

New mothers always have back, neck and joint pains, along with overall body aches. Because of the new responsibility of taking care of a small human being, mothers don’t get time to do any exercise or physical activity to get rid of these pains. But gondh laddus lower joint and muscle pains to a great extent due to their nutritional value. The calcium and iron in these laddus are helpful in preventing body aches for new mothers.

Helps in digestion

The bowel system goes through some disruption after the delivery of a baby. Gondh laddus are helpful in treating digestion problems including constipation.

Develops stamina and strength

Whole wheat, nuts, and other nutritious foods are used while preparing gondh laddus which help the mothers to recover faster after delivery. These laddus act as stamina-forming food and help to gain muscle strength as well.

Gondh laddus are a perfect nutritious snack to munch after delivery.

Source: https :/ / pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12316746/

Dietician Avni Kaul