A healthy diet could include several food items that are nourished with amounts of important nutrients such as minerals vitamins carbohydrates fiber etc One such healthy food item that you can include in your daily diet is fish. Fish is considered the healthiest food on the planet It is enriched with vitamins minerals and proteins which help in building a healthy body.

Fish is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which are incredibly essential for your body and brain. Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for your brain and eye development It is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women get sufficient omega-3s but avoids high-mercury fish Here are some benefits of having fish in your diet for wonderful health benefits.

Helps improve brain health

Because of aging brain function mostly declines Fish consumption has been linked to decreasing mental decline in aged people. People who consume fish regularly as a part of their daily diet have more grey matter in the brain centers that control memory and emotions.

Good source of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient needed for the functioning of the body. Fish and fish products are among the finest dietary sources of vitamin D. Fatty fish such as salmon and herring contain the highest amounts of vitamin D.

Might improve sleep quality

As per the Sleep Foundation researchers believe that fatty fish might help sleep by giving a healthy dose of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which are involved in our body’s regulation of serotonin.

May reduce the risk of heart diseases

Fatty fish has extensive amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and seem to be the most beneficial to heart health. Fish is considered one of the best heart-healthy foods you can eat. Types of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, sardine, cod, and light tuna.

Could lower the risks of autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system mistakenly counters your body, consuming fish is linked to decreased risk of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. A daily regimen of vitamin D and fish oil supplements might help prevent older adults from forming autoimmune diseases.

This article has been written by Delhi’s top dietician for weight loss and cardiovascular diseases Avni Kaul.

Please note: This article has been written for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for any medical or health issues. Consult your dietitian before consuming them or you may book a consultation session with India’s top dietitian Avni Kaul.

Dietician Avni Kaul