If you think that watching your favorite show late during the night is primarily responsible for those dark circles think again. Though tiredness, stress, lack of sleep are often responsible for those dark circles. But the biggest and the silent culprit is the one you never realize. It’s your diet. Quite often due to the deficiencies of several nutrients that cause dark circles around your eyes.
In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietitian Avni Kaul talks about essential nutrients to beat dark circles. Here, they are.
Vitamin C
Never underestimate the power and potency of Vitamin C. They are high in antioxidants; Vitamin C assists minimize the damage caused by exposure against the free radicals. It also increases blood circulation and production of collagen, thus helping to restore the skin’s firmness and glow. Sources of vitamin C include guava, strawberries, oranges, and cauliflower.
Lycopene is a highly potent chemical found in several fruits and vegetables. High in antioxidants, it’s known to have various health benefits like improving eye health and overall immunity. It is also helpful in reducing pigmentation, which will help the reduction of your dark circles. Some of the common sources of lycopene are tomatoes, watermelon, cabbage, and papaya.
Dark circles, when accompanied by dizziness, tiredness and fatigue could point towards deficiency of iron. If you are deficient in iron, the supply of oxygen to the body tissues is hampered. This makes the skin appear paler which in turn make your dark circles look more pronounced. Green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and beans.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another wonder nutrient that your skin and hair need. This is also filled with antioxidants and aids fight free radicals. It is also known to help restore your skin’s moisture, decrease pigmentation and slow down the aging process. Sunflower oil, corn, spinach, and almonds are great sources of vitamin E.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is another nutrient that is known for its ability to repair damaged skin, balanced out the skin and heals the skin’s injury. Eating vitamin K on a daily basis will particularly help with the disappearance of your dark circles. Turnip greens, cauliflower, pomegranate, and tomatoes are rich sources of vitamin K.