Food Habits That Are Harming Your Skin

There is a lot more to getting flawless, beautiful skin than only inheriting great genes. You all know how healthy food improves the quality of your skin.

It is said that there are specific foods that can provide you a healthy, glowing skin. But do you know that there are also specific foods that can harm your skin?

Skin Care Nutritionist Avni Kaul suggests that certain foods can impact the quality of the skin. Foods like dairy, sugar, and carbohydrates are known to be the most harmful to the skin, causing wrinkles, allergies, skin cancer, acne and few more.

If you want to have healthier, glowing skin, here are some food habits you should avert as it could be hurting your skin.

Nutritionist, Dietician, and Founder of Nutri Activania Avni Kaul tells about food habits that are harming your skin.


Diets that are high in refined carbohydrates and sweets like bread, candy, pasta, soda, and juice can cause acne. This kind of foods have a tendency to spike blood sugar levels, freeing hormones that stimulate oil production and make pore-clogging skin cells shed rapidly. If one is acne-prone or concerned about wrinkles, think about replacing processed carbohydrates with more protein, vegetables, and whole grains, which do not cause a spike in blood sugar.

Excessive Salt

Are you worried about the puffy eyes and dark circles beneath your eyes? Check your sodium intake. It is said that excessive sodium can cause puffiness and facial bloating. Salt makes tissues to swell, making your face appear puffy and tired. Also, iodized salt (in high amounts) has been seen to increase acne breakouts. Try eating foods high in potassium, and restrict your salt intake. Ensure to rinse all canned vegetables, meats, and beans post-opening them to lower the sodium content.

Overconsumption Of Dairy Products

Dairy is one healthy diet you all want to consume. But excessive dairy can be unhealthy sometimes. Milk can cause pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads in individuals prone to acne. A hormone present in milk is known to stimulate the production of pore-clogging skin cells. A person prone to hormonal acne must avert or restrict dairy intake.


It is difficult to avoid coffee, completely. But one must be aware that 2 to 3 cups of caffeinated drinks can lead to higher cortisol in your body. Excess cortisol, called the stress hormone, has been seen to be damaging to the skin. It increases the aging process, also making dehydration, a dull appearance, and thinning of your skin, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles rapidly. Try reducing back on your caffeine consumption or replacing that extra cup with naturally decaffeinated tea.

High Sugar Content Diet

High-sugar diets can be responsible for premature aging and cell damage by harming collagen and elastin, the connective tissues which keep the skin firm and supple.

Getting Rid Of Healthy Fats

If one is trying to eat healthily, bear in mind to keep good fats in your meals. There are specific healthy fats such as the omega-3 fatty acids that your skin needs to maintain hydration, and since your body cannot produce them on its own, you have to obtain it from foods such as walnuts, soyabeans, and fish such as Rohu. These fats assist prevent wrinkles, inflammation, dry skin and acne. Olive oil, high on oleic acid content, is known as a healthy choice as it hydrates the skin, safeguards against skin cancer and boosts absorption of omega-3s and other nutrients. Other oleic acid sources are nuts, sunflower seeds, and eggs.

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