Facing Frequent Hair Loss or Pale Tongue or Smelly Feet?

nutrition deficiency symptom dietician Avni kaul

Don’t Ignore, These Could be Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies and Could Trigger Mental or Physical Ailments, Says Dietician Avni Kaul

Nutrient deficiencies or diseases could be an outcome of poor nutritional intake. An insufficient supply or deficiency of vital nutrients in the diet in form of an unhealthy and imbalanced diet leads to a nutritional deficiency. Your external appearance is simply a reflection of your inner self. You cannot see what is happening inside your body but you can try to understand the signs that your body is showing you.

Here eminent dietician, Avni Kaul, talks about certain signs which indicate that you may have a possible nutritional deficiency.

A pale tongue

If your tongue appears pale, then that indicates there is a deficiency of red blood cells in your body. When this occurs, a person feels tired and fatigued by the time they finish work. This is due to a lack of iron and Vit B12 in the blood. 

To have a sufficient quantity of iron and vitamin B12 in the blood, certain foods are necessary for your body. Leafy green vegetables, beetroot, and pomegranate juice are important foods to include in your diet. Cut the beetroot into 4 pieces, and boil them in a pressure cooker with a glass of water and a little jaggery. Blend and then pour the juice in a glass. Squeeze half a lemon in this and drink it. Iron absorption in your body is better when you take it with vitamin C.

This concoction will help in removing hemoglobin deficiency. Tongue indicates several other problems. If it is white-coated, then it indicates that you have an upset stomach.  When the waste material is not removed properly due to constipation, the toxins in the body remain high which results in the coating of the tongue. Hence, a white coating on the tongue indicates toxicity in your digestive system.

hair loss sign of Nutritional Deficiencies

Severe hair loss

Too much hair loss indicates a deficiency of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D and also stress. So, what you should do? Eat sprouts, peas, and grams, which will take care of the deficiency of proteins and other essential nutrients in your food.

Bleeding gums

When you brush or floss your teeth and you see fresh blood, then that means a deficiency of vitamin C in your body. So, include citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and amla juice in your diet which will take care of your vitamin C deficiency.

Body cramps

Sometimes people feel painful muscle cramps which may be due to a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. To overcome this deficiency, you must consume more nuts and dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, all varieties of seeds such as flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and others. These may be roasted and kept in an airtight container so that you may eat them as a snack whenever you feel like it. 

Another superfood are nuts which must be soaked overnight or for around 6 hours for maximum nutritional benefits. Remove their skin in the morning after soaking before eating them. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, Hazelnuts, and others should preferably be eaten in the morning with breakfast. This helps in the absorption and assimilation of nutrients such as magnesium and calcium which helps you to overcome the deficiencies.

Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies

Stool with foul smell

It indicates incomplete absorption of nutrients inside your gut. This may occur due to an incorrect way of eating food. Either you are not chewing it adequately or you are inattentive while eating for you may be watching television and eating without actually relishing. Also, you may be drinking a lot of water along with food. 

There may be a simple reason for poor gut absorption which by simple alteration of your habits may help you overcome this weakness. Also, foul-smelling stool could indicate infection or inflammation in your intestine. When there is a strong infection along with fever, the person should take medication. However, that does not solve the issue of having stomach problems. 

Certain foods help in regulating bowel movements and keep the gut healthy. One is homemade curd which is a probiotic. It is good for our gut health. Another important food is papaya. It helps in breaking down complex nutrients.  Make these two foods a part of your daily diet for a healthy gut.

Mouth ulcer

It gives an indication about the deficiency of vitamin B, B-complex, and B12. Mouth ulcers also indicate excessive body heat and problems in your digestion. The solution is to increase the intake of whole grains, eat bananas daily, and drink warm milk before going to sleep.

Shapes and marks on your nails

White marks on your nails are markers of calcium deficiency. Calcium is most important for bone formation and therefore, this deficiency must be addressed as quickly as possible. Include dairy products like milk in breakfast, homemade curd and/ or a glass of buttermilk in lunch and a glass of warm milk after dinner before you go to sleep. This will fulfill your calcium requirement for the day. If your nails are of spoon shape, it suggests an iron deficiency. So, include green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Check out all these signs in your body which are mentioned above and if you find any, then immediately pay attention.  Make positive changes in your diet and lifestyle. It would be beneficial to consult a qualified dietician before making major dietary changes

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