How many times have you found yourself begrudgingly sipping on a green shake or forcing down a protein smoothie for breakfast, all in the name of health and fitness? While maintaining a nutritious diet is undoubtedly crucial, it is equally important to indulge in foods that bring you joy. Scientists suggest that the pleasure we derive from our meals goes beyond mere satisfaction—it plays a pivotal role in how effectively our bodies digest and metabolize nutrients. When we relish what we eat, our brains release dopamine, the “feel-good hormone,” that stimulates our brain’s reward pathways. This takes care of our physical and mental well-being. Let us find out from eminent dietitian and nutritionist, Avni Kaul, why you should eat foods that you enjoy.

enjoy food healhty tips dietician Avni Kaul

What are the reasons to eat foods that you enjoy?

Promotes Digestion

Have you ever wondered whether indigestion is not always the after-effect of what we eat? When we enjoy our food, our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, signalling our body to relax the muscles in our stomach and increase digestive juices. This aids digestion by allowing food to be processed more efficiently. Conversely, eating something we dislike or feeling guilty while eating can activate the body’s stress response, which can hinder digestion and lead to various gastrointestinal issues like bloating or constipation. So, enjoying what we eat isn’t just about pleasure—it is also about promoting proper digestion through the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Good for your Mental Health

Did you know that what you eat can actually impact how you feel? It is true! When you eat foods that you enjoy, it can actually be good for your psychological well-being. This is because a healthy diet not only keeps your body in good shape but also supports a healthy gut. Your gut is like a second brain, and it communicates with your actual brain through something called the gut-brain axis. Inside your gut, there are tiny microbes that produce chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for regulating your mood and emotions. So, when you eat foods that you love, it can positively affect these microbes, leading to better production of these mood-regulating chemicals. For example, indulging in a piece of dark chocolate or a bowl of your favorite berries can boost your mood by promoting the production of serotonin. Similarly, enjoying a hearty meal of salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids can support overall brain health and contribute to feelings of well-being. So, remember, treating yourself to foods you enjoy isn’t just a treat for your taste buds but also for your mental health!

You should feel Satisfied

Feeling full is when your stomach feels full after eating, but feeling satisfied is when your mind feels content. It is important to enjoy the food you eat so you are mentally satisfied, not just physically full. If you are not happy with your meals, it is hard to have a good relationship with food. For instance, a meal like brown rice, fish, and salad might fill you up, but if you don’t enjoy it, you might still feel unsatisfied. To eat well, it is not just about following strict diets or rules, but also about finding what foods bring you pleasure. This might be tricky if you have been dieting for a long time, but with practice, you can learn what foods make you happiest. When you are satisfied with your meals, you are less likely to overeat because your brain feels fulfilled. Enjoying your food makes it easier to stop eating when you are full.

Better absorption of nutrients

When you enjoy your meals, your body absorbs nutrients more effectively because it triggers efficient digestive processes. This enjoyment leads to better secretion of digestive enzymes and acids, aiding in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients efficiently. Additionally, chewing thoroughly, which often happens with enjoyable foods, increases the surface area for enzymes to work on, further enhancing nutrient absorption. Moreover, sticking to foods you like influences the types of bacteria in your stomach, optimizing your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from your diet over time.

So, what did you learn today? Eating foods you enjoy is more than just indulgence—it is a fundamental aspect of maintaining good digestion, mental health, satisfaction, and nutrient absorption. Prioritizing enjoyment in your diet benefits both body and mind.

Dietician Avni Kaul