Dietician Avni Kaul shares how much quantity of turmeric you should add daily to your food to Lose Weight
If specific foods make you gain weight, a few others help you lose it. It is ironic but true. Now you all know which are those foods that piled up added fat, but do you know which foods can assist you get rid of them? Well, we are going to tell you about one of the best foods that work wonderfully to melt belly fat from the get-go. A weight loss diet needs to include a combination of healthy foods, spices, and herbs that could help boost metabolism and boost weight loss.
Turmeric (or Haldi) is used every day in your kitchen. It is added to most recipes and even beverages such as turmeric milk and tea. This extra addition of spice in your diet is what helps with quick weight loss. If you could never bring yourself to like turmeric-special foods and beverages, now you certainly would. Read this blog by Delhi’s top dietician for weight loss Avni Kaul.
Does Turmeric Burn Body Fat?
Turmeric not just adds vibrant yellow color and flavor to your dishes but also infuses them with its medicinal properties that are excellent for bodily health, particularly, weight loss. Here are some reasons why turmeric is good for weight loss.
How Much Turmeric Should You Consume Daily To Lose Weight?
While there are no established rules or dosage recommendations for these supplements, a study done in the National Library of Medicine suggests that having 500 to 2000mg of turmeric extract daily might be adequate to experience potential benefits. It is advisable to refrain from consuming high doses of turmeric for more than 2 to 3 months continuously, as there is a lack of long-term safety studies.
How Turmeric Reduces Fat And Helps With Weight Loss:
The anti-inflammatory components and anti-obesity potential of turmeric’s active compound – curcumin, makes it a good weight-loss-friendly food. Curcumin suppresses fat inflammation and accumulation and reduces the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. Curcumin is also known to control the growth of fat tissue in our body.
Turmeric regulates blood sugar levels and helps prevent insulin resistance, decreasing the retention of excess fat in the body. The spice also helps in the digestion and metabolism of fats, further helping with easy weight loss.