Every overweight and obese person desire to lose their extra kilos, look fit and stay away from life-shortening diseases but commonly weak determination power, challenging professional hours, love for food and simply laziness stop most of them to undergo weight loss program. So how such people can stop getting further obese or reduce their weight prior to joining a gym or weight loss program?
India’s leading wellness coach and nutritionist, Avni Kaul shares, ” it’s not always overeating that adds to weight gain, incorrect cooking method, absence of certain nutrients in the daily diet, poor meal timings, stress and other, are some of the common triggers for weight gain”. In this blog leading weight loss dietician and nutritionist, Avni Kaul shares a few simple yet effective daily diet changes that can wonderfully fulfil your weight loss desire.
Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals
Whenever there is a Biryani or Allu parantha, cooked at home, take a glass of water, 30 minutes before your meal. In fact, if you make it a habit to drink one glass of water 30 mins before every meal, it will help you to slow your weight gain process and with proper nutrition chart and exercises, it will help you lose weight very fast.
As water is an appetite suppressant and drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller, therefore it helps in reducing the amount of food you eat. Health resource website WebMD states that drinking water before meals results in an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per meal.
Eat Protein-Rich Breakfast
A perfect day starts with a proper breakfast. Moong dal parantha fried in pure cow ghee sprouted moong with poha or upma, muesli or flakes with fruits and seeds or oats idlis, eggs in different forms, a glass of milk or fresh fruit juice along with peanut butter sandwich. These things will not only fill your stomach but will not allow you to gain unwanted weight.
Have Fruit Instead Of Sweets
Sweets contain sugar and too much of sugar can be harmful too. We Indians have a tendency of having sweets at any time of the day. More so it increases during festivals and functions. Instead of indulging in too much of sweet try to go for fruits instead. Fruits such as watermelon is a best to consume as it contains 90% of water. Similarly, other fruits like guava, apple, and banana also aid in reducing weight.
Eat Yogurt In Place Of Kheer Or Ice Creams
A little bit of kheer or ice cream is fine. But too much consumption can increase the fats inside the body. If you are really fond of both then in place of having kheer or ice cream, try to opt for low-fat yogurt or fruit custard.
Include Fibre Particularly If You Are A Non-Vegetarian
For non-vegetarian people, their diet can automatically lean towards a heavy protein, heavy fat diet. Not enough fiber can lead to digestive issues. Avoid going on the processed flour and instead, have your meats with traditional bhakris made of bajra or jowar. You can also add some nuts and seeds that are fiber-rich to your diet. If you cannot go without non-veg diet try have only some form on non-veg (either meat or seafood or eggs) once a day usually for lunch and then, go for all through

About the author: Avni Kaul is India’s most trusted nutritionist and wellness coach. She is a certified nutritionist as well as Diabetes Educator and specializes in weight management, child nutrition, skin and beauty health, thyroid disorder, cardiovascular health, diabetic management, wedding nutrition, sports nutrition, and corporate wellness.