Today is 14th November and this day is globally being marked as World Diabetes Day. This day is raising awareness of the impact of diabetes has on an individual and the support network of those affected. And also promoting the role of the family in the management, care, prevention, and education of diabetes.
People with diabetes need to be aware of what the eat because of certain foods can wrongly impact blood sugar levels. But many people have wrongly deprived themselves of food items that you do not actually have to avoid
In this article, Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul shares food myths for diabetes patients.
You Will Never Eat Dessert Again
Fact: Sugar-sweetened desserts are not a good choice for anyone. But only a few people can cut them entirely. It is normally preferable to have a bite or two of something sweet than to deprived. People who feel deprived tend to binge eat later. If you want to eat everything have a small portion, share it, or use a small plate. Please be aware that no sugar added or sugar-free desserts can still be high in carbohydrates can increase blood sugar.
Go and have a slice of cake or a cookie occasionally, even if you have diabetes. The key is moderation and controlling portion. According to the National Institutes of Health restricting yourself excessively may eventually lead to binge or overeating.
Mindful of the “all or nothing” mentality. Feel free to indulge in a small serving of your favorite sweet on rare occasions. Just be ensure to limit other carbohydrates in your meal to strike a safe balance. Stick to your personal carbohydrate target. The average person must eat about 45- 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal, as per the ADA.
Carbohydrate Will Worsen Your Condition
Fact: Everybody should eat some carbohydrates because they are the body’s main source of energy. The amount of carbohydrate recommendations differs from person to person. Carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes and dairy having an emphasis on foods higher in fiber and low in glycemic load must be advised over any other alternatives particularly those with sugar. These carbohydrates are high in fiber and nutrition and will help one feel satisfied and helps avoid fatigue.
It Is Normal To Eat Fatty Foods As Fats Do Not Impact Blood Sugar
Fact: Saturated fats are supposed to play a role in cardiovascular disease and must be limited irrespective of blood sugar. Mono unsaturated fats may have cardio protective elements and when consumed with carbohydrates might help to reduce the impact of carbohydrates on blood sugar. Fatty foods will affect the timing of food related blood sugar spike which is especially important to be mindful of when taking insulin.
If You Are Taking Medicines You Can Eating Anything You Wish
Fact: Medicines can help but to a certain point only. If blood sugar is not brought down to the desired target doctors can change medicines that work differently. And if required can alter it again. But except insulin, every medicine can only help reduce blood sugar to a specific amount. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice for food and activity together with medicines only then they are helpful.