Dietician Avni Kaul Shares Effective Ways To Control Obesity

Today is World Obesity Day. It was established in 2015 by the World Obesity Foundation. World Obesity Day is a yearly campaign that aims to achieve and support practical actions that will help people reach and maintain a healthy weight. Nutritionist Avni Kaul says obesity is a condition where the body stores excess fat that has a negative impact on health. Genetics, overeating and specific psychological factors are some common reasons for obesity.

If one is faced with obesity, here’s help. Start reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates, preferential usage of complex carbohydrates and low glycemic index foods, higher consumption of fiber, restricted intake of saturated fats, an optimal ratio of vital fatty acids, decrease trans fatty acids, a little bit higher protein intake, lower intake of salt, and limited intake of sugar. In this article, Top Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Kaul talk about effective ways to control obesity.

Whole Grains – Please remember that whole grains and not processed cereals that provide energy to sustain and grow and are also the main source of all vital nutrients. Consume whole grains like Bajra, Ragi, Makka, and Jowar, use them frequently. Try red and brown rice instead of white rice. Use these whole grains for breakfast they also, taste great.

Whole Dals – Get whole dals along with the staple washed dals. Stock up your shelves with Chana, Raja Soya, and Bhatt ki dal. Have them as sprouts or cook them for your meal minimum once every 2 days. When buying meat, opt for lean, low-fat cuts. Add protein in every main meal. Proteins are important for your body.

Vegetables And Fruits – Have at least 3 servings of seasonal vegetables per individual and 2 of whole fruits every day. They provide both soluble and insoluble fiber along with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. One needs about 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, single apple provides only 1 gram.

Stay Away From Trans Fats – If possible, stay completely away from trans fats. There is a possibility that industrial trans fats could be present in fast foods, snacks, fried foods, margarine, and spreads). Go through the labels, if there is no label, look for a better alternative.

Limited Sugar Intake – Limit the intake of sugar to lower than 10% of your total calories, for a normal weight woman who needs 1900Kcal/day this is about 10 to 11 teaspoons of sugar. Below 5% will be better. Sugar does not refer to added refined sugar that you put in your tea or coffee only. Plenty of foods have natural sugar hidden in them too.

Never Skip Meals – Have 3 balanced meals. Take a standard dinner plate, fill half with vegetables, 1/3rd with cereals, again 1/3rd with protein and 150 ml of dahi or milk. Now you have a perfectly healthy meal.

Limit Aerated Drinks – Keep your fridge and kitchen free of any sugary aerated beverages and processed fruit juices. Instead have fresh Aam Panna, Jal jeera, Kanji, Chaach, depending upon the season. Get your family involved in preparing them.

Modify Lifestyle – Restrict sitting for a longer duration in front of the TV or computers. Do not eat while watching TV. There is a tendency among people that while watching TV they tend to eat more.

Regular Exercise – The only diet is not going to help while countering obesity. One should spend at least 30 to 45 minutes of regular exercising. Children need to be involved in a lot of physical activities. Make it a habit of taking out your kids outdoors and if possible involve with them in whatever activities they are doing that will help both.

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