Should one eat pre or post-exercise in the morning? This is like a never-ending debate. When one comes across so much information about weight loss, it becomes hard to decide what to follow and what not to follow.
Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul say, one of the most general problems among weight watchers is whether they must eat their breakfast before their exercise or after it. Before drawing any opinion on this matter, it is vital to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Advantages Of Exercising On An Empty Stomach
It has been suggested that exercising on an empty stomach could promote more favorable changes in body fat when compared to exercising on a filled stomach.
The finding was based on a study done by a team of the researcher at the University of Bath in which 10 overweight male volunteers took participation. The participants were told to walk for 1 hour first on an empty stomach and then 2 hours after having a high-calorie carbohydrate-filled breakfast. In the end, it was seen that exercising on an empty stomach promoted more positive changes in body fat.
It was observed that the expression of 2 genes PDK4 and HSL expanded when the participants fasted but reduced when they consumed a high-calorie breakfast before the exercise session. This observation shows that the fat present in the body was used to fuel the exercise, rather than the food consumed at breakfast.
It means that exercising on an empty state may lead to more favorable changes in adipose tissue, that can be beneficial for the 1 trying to shed weight. However, it is essential to note that the study sample was very small and carried out on overweight men.
If you are thinking to do an intense workout, then eating food before your workout will help you in keeping energetic and moving. Exercising on an empty stomach is good, but at times the kind of workout you are going to do must also be taken into consideration. If you are going for a brisk morning walk or jogging then trying it on an empty stomach is fine. Just ensure you stop when you feel fatigued and lightheaded.
The Conclusion
It is correct that training when on fast assists to burn more fat during the workout, but exercising post having your breakfast leads to higher oxidation of fat over a period of 24-hours.
So, the best ways are what suits your lifestyle and the 1 you can do easily. If you are training early morning, then to eat breakfast and let it settle for a while before training will be difficult. In that case, it is better to do a workout on an empty stomach. If you are training later in the day, you will possibly train better having a fully digested meal.
So, simply opt for the circumstance that suits and fits you the best.