These are summer times in India and this time brings with itself with the lurking risk of getting dehydrated. The topmost reason is definitely profuse sweating which happens to many people during the summer time
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says your body has 60% water and when there is a lack of water in your body it leads to dehydration. You lose water from your body mainly through urine, and stool and sweat. You need to replenish the water to prevent dehydration. Mild dehydration can be treated by drinking more water while severe dehydration needs medical care as it can lead to organ failure or loss of consciousness.
There are other causes of dehydration which includes, diarrhea, exposure to sun and diabetes.
In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietitian Avni Kaul talks about signs that your body is dehydrated in Indian Summer.
Bad Breath
The reason for your bad breath is not always the onions you had during your meals. Bad breath is also a sign that you are dehydrated. It happens due to the production of saliva decreases when you are dehydrated and this causes the overgrowth of bacteria, which is the cause of bad breath, in your mouth.
If you experience a bad headache at home or work, your first impulse should be to drink water. Dehydration can lead to headache, so before you pop a medicine to get rid of the headache, try drinking simple plain water first.
Blurred Vision
Drinking sufficient water is also essential to keep your eyes moist and healthy. If you are dehydrated your eyes will be dry and will get a blurred vision. Increase your water intake the moment you feel blurred vision.
Not Urinating Enough Or Dark Yellow Urine
Perhaps the simplest way to identify if you’re dehydrated is by checking the frequency of your trips to the bathroom as well as the color of your urine.
If you aren’t urinating frequently and when you do it appears darker yellow, chances are you have moderate dehydration. The darker and less frequent you are urinating, there is more likeliness that you are dehydrated.
Start drinking more water as soon as you see that your urine has become dark yellow.
Dry Skin
Normally, your skin contains nearly 30% water which is responsible for its elasticity and plumpness.
Many people who show signs of dehydration may sometimes appear sweaty but as you develop stages through dehydration from mild to severe one your skin will become drier.
Your skin may also seem red and flushed if you are dehydrated. Applying a moisturizing lotion can improve some skin problems externally, but drinking more water will eventually, help your internal body functions to maintain healthy and supple skin.
Fever Like Symptoms
Getting the chills and other flu-like symptoms are generally associated with infection. But dehydration is another reason to have a fever.
When your body is not able to keep adequate fluid levels, it becomes difficult for your body to maintain a stable body temperature which can lead to hyperthermia and fever like symptoms.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, immediately stop all the physical activity you’re doing and drink more fluids as well as electrolytes when you rest.