What will if you Start Drinking 4 liters of Water Every day?

Best Dietician in Delhi

Have you ever heard someone say they follow the 8×8 a rule when it comes to daily water consumption, then you might have heard about the most common method of making sure you drink sufficient water.

Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Kaul says through the 8×8 rule, individuals are advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Each of those glasses must be 8 ounces in volume. So, overall, you will be getting 64 ounces of water every day if you follow this criterion or just under 2 liters.

Nowadays health-conscious individuals are starting to focus on drinking even more water than this recommended amount. In fact, many people are doubling that amount and drinking a massive 4 liters of water every day. Do you feel that it is a lot of water for you? Think about this couple of 2 soda bottles full of water every day. It might sound impossible, but more and more people are experiencing just how good it is for the body, mind, and wellbeing to get more water every day than earlier thought.

In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about what will happen if you start drinking 4 liters of water every day.

It Can Affect Your Weight

Are you trying to reduce weight? Who is not, right? There is no secret that drinking plenty of water is a sure path to success when you’re trying to reduce weight. And drinking extra water in a day can help cleanse away the excesses sodium in your diet and keep those pounds falling away, too. Just have close attention to ensure you are not retaining any water weight as you work up to drinking 4 litres of water per day.

It Improves Sleep

Drinking 4 litres of water in a day can assist you to improve your sleep, too. You may find that you are more hydrated throughout the night and do not wake up having a dry mouth or feeling parched after you have got into sleep for only a few hours. Bear in mind, however, that you will probably have to get up and go to the bathroom more frequently throughout your night when you drink this much water.

It Is Better For Your Skin

If your skin being dehydrated it will lead it to look bad and feeling even worse. If you are the kind of person who has issues with the texture of your skin, remember that drinking enough water in a day is generally enough to solve the issue for a lot of people or at least to get you on the way to success. If your skin is very dry and flaky, you will not go wrong by drinking more water in a day to see if that makes any changes. In little time, you’ll find your skin getting smoother, more toned, and even glowing.

It Helps With Digestion

Do you know drinking enough water can help you with your digestion? If you’re the kind of person who has difficulty with digestion in just about any way, you can do your body a big service by making sure you get enough water every day. Drink more than the recommended amount of water and you’ll rapidly see positive results including more regular bathroom trips and easier digestion does not matter what you eat. You need to remember that drinking too much water can sometimes exacerbate acid reflux or heartburn, so you may require to try something different if you find this happening to you.

P.S. Water consumption also depends on various factors, like geographical area, workload, and physical condition. But if there are any downsides to doing this? If you notice any health problems coming up if you regularly have this much water in a day? If you have a heart condition, diabetes, or any issue with the sodium levels in your body, you must consult your doctor and qualified dietitian prior to adopting any of the above-mentioned points.

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