Who thought that the small honeybee could make something so wonderful from nature? Honey, a versatile ingredient, has got superb health benefits through diet for, skin and hair. From several centuries now, ever since the age of ancient mankind, honey has been using.
Several stories mentioned the Romans used honey to heal their wounds and treat soldier that had been on the battlefield.
Those are just some of the stories related to honey. But honey, in reality, has several benefits upon its consumption.
In this article, one of the best Nutritionist and Dietitian Avni Kaul talks about the health benefits one can avail by consuming honey. Here are some of the amazing things that honey can provide.
Natural Sweetness
Honey is a natural sugar substitute, without any problems made by refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. In several cases, honey can actually lower down high blood sugar levels due to the unique combination of fructose and glucose.
Honey also has a high number of antioxidants and flavonoids, lowering the risk of cancer and keeping the cell structure and immune system healthy.
Good For Sleep
Honey is well known for curing insomnia. If consumed 1tsp before sleeping it helps one to sleep more soundly.
Assists Stomach
Honey is anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal which acts on the gastrointestinal system, nullifying bacteria that have a long shelf life. It helps the stomach to stay away from ulcers, and assists in acid reflux.
Cures Cough
Honey is a natural medicine for cold, cough and other nasal and bronchial diseases, helping keep all throat and nose-related issues away.
Energy Booster
Honey is a powerful storehouse of energy. Since it is rich in natural sugars, during ancient times sports persons used to consume honey to improve their performance and endurance.
Helpful For Heart
Though it lacks protein, vitamins, minerals (only minor amounts), and good fats, it makes up for bioactive plant compounds such as carotenoids and polyphenols, that promotes your overall health by lowering the risk of heart diseases.