Stop Weight Gain by not Eating During these Emotional State of Mind

Do you know there are 5 main human emotions that can make people overeat, and gradually trigger weight gain? And, if you stay aware of those emotions and refrain from eating – to a large extent you can keep your weight in check and stay healthy.

Actually weight gain is an intricate process, and it is influenced by a number of factors including the body’s hormone levels. Sometimes body hormones directly interfere with the weight gain process like leptin. At other times, it fluctuates our emotions making us overeat due to which we eventually gain kilos.

For example, a common emotional eating incident that happens to most of us is exploring the refrigerator for a comforting sweet dish or surfing a food delivery app for tempting burgers or pizzas when you feel low and tired. Such eating is not commonly done when a person is hungry, but because of a person’s emotions.

The thing about emotional or comfort eating is that you crave fattening and sweet sugary stuff which you cannot stop yourself from overeating.

In this blog, India’s leading weight loss dietician and nutritionist Avni Kaul shares 4 such emotions that can make you overeat and can lead to weight gain.

1. Boredom

Have you been sitting on your sofa with your favorite popcorn or nachos on those nights Saturday and Sunday nights when you are free and have nothing substantial to do? Such examples of eating due to an emotional state of boredom.

A lot of people who may not be an emotional eater occasionally turn to food when they can’t think of anything else to do with themselves. But if such incidents have been happening too many times in a month, then you must put a full stop to it if you want to keep your weight in check. Make a habit of not eating on your sofa or anywhere else except at your dining table. But that also does not mean that you sit to watch the latest series on Netflix on your dining table along with a full plate of your favorite snacks. You can also opt for a healthy habit if you feel bored – like go out for a walk.

2. Loneliness

Lately, our fast city lifestyle and shifting social behavior from physical to digital has caused loneliness to a large population of people. The human mind needs someone who can comfort and help us distract from our day-to-day stress and mental pressure. Thus to a large percentage of lonely people, slowly food and drinks become a companion and distractor.

3. Depression

Depression is one of the biggest triggers for emotional eating. During such an intense emotional state, a lot of people select food for comfort and a distraction from depressed feelings. But if you eat because you’re unhappy, you’re likely to end up more unhappy because of overweight and weight-related health issues.

Exercise is a better coping tool, not only because it keeps you physically healthy through tough times but because it raises the level of “feel good” chemicals in your brain known as endorphins, so you naturally feel better. (Note depression is a critical mental health issue and it is important to seek professional help.)

4. Happiness

It’s not always a negative state of mind, even a positive state of mind too can trigger overeating, eating without hunger, and out of daily diet routine. Traditionally people associate good meals and drinking with happy news and celebration and people subconsciously associate food with a happy mood. Occasional eating to celebrate a good moment is fine but if such action becomes frequent, then it can turn into a health problem. More than twice a month party or celebration overeating and drinking can hamper body metabolism cycle and trigger weight gain.

It is true that we should not isolate ourselves from celebrations and parties but if we keep a check on the quantity of food intake during such parties and if we follow a detox diet the following day, then the health impact of such parties can be minimized.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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