Weight Loss Tips During Winter

Dietician Avni Kaul shares the 4 Essential Rules To Burn Fat, Weight Loss, and Stay Lean In Cold Season

wieight loss dieting article by Avni Kaul

It is a general way to feel that the falling temperatures are not motivating you to work toward your winter weight reduction goals.

Several people are not that successful in their attempt to lose a few kilos, a major health concern. Trying an improper diet and wrong exercise regimen are some of the common mistakes people make when attempting to lose weight.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says, this not only hampers the efforts to reduce weight but also add several pounds to their body. And if you actually, feel like the falling temperatures are not motivating or pushing you to work toward your winter weight loss goals, the following tips in this article can help you overcome those barriers.

Grouped with a balanced diet, exercising assist you to burn calories, enhance your weight loss and overall health. In fact, there are several cold-weather activities that can give you high-calorie burning results if you follow the essential rules correctly and consistently. Even exercising in colder temperatures can improve the speed of calorie burn. If you are trying to flatten your belly this winter, you need to know some key diet and workout rules that will help you get healthier and shed the pounds efficiently.

In this article, Delhi’s top Weight Loss Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul shares some rules to follow during winters that will help you to burn fat and stay lean in the cold season.

Try Out New Indoor Activities

Use winter days as a chance to try out new indoor physical activities. You can run or walk up and down the stairs in your house or residential building for a good high-intensity cardio and leg workout.  Yoga, aerobics and dancing, and are some amazing indoor activities that will make one stay active and warm in cold weather.

Have More Whole Foods

Try to eat more whole foods, specifically vegetables, and reduce back on highly processed and sugary foods. You do not actually require to count calories to reduce weight if you eat healthy and right. The key rule is to look for a half-plate of vegetables at your main meals like lunch and dinner. Having vegetables and fresh fruits in your breakfast is always encouraged.

Be Carbohydrate Smart

Carbohydrates are not that bad, but excessive, particularly the wrong kind can be unhealthy. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and make your body produce more insulin, which can result in weight gain. This occurs when the cells absorb too much glucose and the body turns this into fat. What is essential here is which ones you select and the quantity. Opt healthy carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits that satiate and promote weight management. Swap white bread for whole wheat bread. Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, the idea here is to get smart on them.

Fill Your Plate With Fibre And Protein

Eating a high-protein diet can help in weight loss. Proteins also assist build lean muscle, improves metabolism and keep you full for longer. Similarly, having a diet high in fibre, especially, insoluble fibre, can improve digestion, lower your risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases. It will also assist you to feel full on fewer calories and stay satiated longer, providing in better weight loss and more optimal body fat reduction.

Reality is, a healthy diet along with regular physical activities can help you get leaner and fitter.

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