Why Hollywood Loves the 5-Factor Diet?

Why Hollywood Loves the 5-Factor Diet?

Be it Hollywood heartthrob Eva Mendes, Katherine Heigl, Halle Berry, Megan Fox, the international media has repeatedly watched them speaking very highly about “5 Factor Diet”. While every film celebrity chooses their diet weight loss or muscle toning as per their movie characters, personality, or stage of career then why so many stars speak so highly about the 5-factor diet?

India’s top celebrity nutritionist and dietician Avni Kaul in this blog decodes the secrets of the 5-Factor Diet.

According to nutritionist Avni Kaul, on the 5-Factor Diet, people eat five small meals a day, each meal consists of five components: protein, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, and fluid. Combined with 25 minutes of exercise broken down into five five-minute bursts. This simple diet was created by personal trainer Harley Pasternak.

Why Hollywood Loves the 5-Factor Diet?

How Does 5-Factor Diet work?

The 5-Factor Diet works on the principle of taking five meals each day where each of these meals is be made up of five nutritional components:

·         Lean protein like fish, egg whites, skinless chicken, soya, low-fat milk, etc.

·         Complex carbohydrate: Complex carbohydrates take time by the body to break into glucose and hence avoids a sudden spike in sugar levels when you take carbs in form of cereals, fruits, vegetables. The 5-factor diet allows complex carbs as long as their glycemic index is not too high (under 80).

·         Fiber: Most of the complex carbs are also a good source of fiber, which is another of the five essential components of each daily meal.

·         Good fat: this diet emphasizes on unsaturated healthy fats that are essential for the body and mind functioning like omega 3 fatty acids. Thus, the diet includes cooking oil like – coconut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, and sesame oil.

·         Sugar-free drink: this diet has strict no for all colas, commercial juices, and any other sugared drinks, hence include coconut water, natural fruit juices, and take plenty of plain water.

The crust of 5-Factor Diet

1.       The diet has 5 meals daily every day, and these meals follow the 5 nutrient criteria – low-fat, quality protein, low-GI carbohydrate, fiber, healthy fat, and sugar-free drinks.

2.       It includes 25 minutes of workout for 5 days a week for 5 weeks. This lets you stay in the fat-burning zone and build lean muscle.

3.       It can also include a weekly ‘cheat’ day that you can take on Sundays.

4.       The diet helps the body to have faster metabolism burns more calories, hence less fat.

5.       The Diet works on the food choices based on the glycemic index (GI), which rates foods according to their effect on blood sugar levels. Thus when you eat food that is low in GI and high in fiber, they could control their food cravings, prevent overeating while keeping their blood sugar levels stable. 

6.       This diet is created for on-the-go lifestyles, making it ideal for Hollywood stars.

7.       Dieting Cautions: People suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease needs extra precaution and medical supervision before doing this diet.

a.       Diabetes – the lower GI foods and smaller, more frequent meals are both are excellent steps to keep the blood sugar at a lower level, but on the other hand, the diet’s lowered carbohydrates intake, may not be enough for a diabetic patient’s body (that takes external insulin) to function properly at a lower sugar level. Such patients must consult a medical expert or an experienced nutritionist prior to starting this diet and most importantly. They would also need a tailor-made daily diet plan as per their own diabetes treatment plan.

b.       High blood pressure. The daily food intake under the 5-Factor diet can lower the sodium level in the body. Such sodium level change in the body can jeopardize the metabolism of patients who are under hypertension medication.  

c.       Kidney disease, unfortunately, this diet has a high level of protein, phosphorous, potassium intake, thus it can be dangerous for kidney patients.

Words from the Nutritionist

Nutritionist Avni Kaul points out that the 5-Factor diet is no doubt a very popular diet and is a hit among film stars who are always on move but it is not a try yourself at home kind of diet. Proper supervision by an experienced nutritionist is essential to develop a customized diet plan for you by evaluating his/her age, body weight, height, gender, daily lifestyle, and to check any physical illness or medical condition.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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