Reasons Boiled Eggs are Vital for Your Body Especially During Winters

boiled egg eating diet benefits in winterrs

Eggs are the best source of protein besides being the powerhouse of nutrition. One of the advantages of eating eggs is that they can be cooked in several ways like boiled, omelette, scrambled and fried. Boiled eggs have a lot of healthy fat, which does not cause weight gain. Vitamin D, available in egg yolk, helps prevent colds and flu, which means a boiled egg boosts immunity. The egg is also beneficial for your skin, eyes and hair.

Dietician Avni says that your body needs additional energy during winter to maintain body heat and that makes eggs an ideal food in this season.

Eating boiled eggs could provide up to 77 calories of energy. It has carbohydrates, saturated fat, fat, monounsaturated fat, protein, cholesterol, vitamin A, B12, B2, selenium and phosphorus.

Here, Delhi’s eminent dietician Avni Kaul shares some reasons why you need to include eggs in your diet.

dietician avni kaul shares benefits of eating boiled egg during winters

Acts as a protein supplement

An egg has more than 6 grams of protein. Thus, eating it regularly prevents protein deficiency in our body. Proteins repair your body cells.

Eye and brain health

The antioxidants in eggs are vital for the health of the brain and eye. The chemical choline in eggs boosts memory and the nervous system. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight.

Removes iron deficiency

Iron is present in abundance in eggs which helps in overcoming fatigue significantly. Eat egg yolk to prevent protein deficiency.

Immunity Booster

Eating one boiled egg regularly keeps the body strong. Eggs have antioxidants, proteins and several nutrients that impactfully boost immunity.

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