May-2023: Avni Kaul, a nutritionist and
dietician based in Delhi, shares the 7
health benefits of vegetable broth,
according to nutritionists from helping
weight loss to boosting skin and eye health
Nov-2024 : बीतेदिनों त्योहार की धूम में कितनी
मिठाई और कितनी तरह की चिकनाई
पेट में गई जिसकी कुछ खबर नहीं।
अब मौसम बदल रहा है यानी वह
समय जब बदल देनी चाहिए बच्चों की
आहार की आदत। बच्चों की सेहत
को कैसेदें पौष्टिक भोजन का कवच, जानिए
पीडियाट्रिक न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट अवनी कौल से..
Sep 2021: Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares
key diet inputs on the issue of PCOS or
PCOD with leading financial newspaper
The Economic Times
Feb-2022: If you live in a household where
the focus is on eating more, we
understand your struggle to achieve
weight loss goals.
In the lead up to the Youth Olympic
Games, the Indian Olympic Association
held an interactive preparatory session for
the benefit of the young athletes
with Nutritionist Ms Avni Kaul, Olympic
Educationist Dr Tarun Rauthan and veteran
Sports Journalist Mr G. Rajaraman.
05-09-2021: Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares key diet tips for Indian teachers with The Times of India.
08-03-2021: Inda leading mainline daily, Asian Age features Nutritionist Avni Kaul on the International women's day.
26-03-2021: Food without salt becomes tasteless. However, “Salt should be consumed in moderation”, says Avni Kaul, Nutritionist, Dietician & Wellness Coach, "It shouldn’t be excessive or too less", she explains
04-02-2021: There is an old adage that goes 'Even a single stalk of millet can revive a dying man.' This homegrown, traditionally revered grain is making its way back to urban households, and diet watchers are lapping it up as the miracle grain.
29-01-2021: Nutritionist and certified diabetes educator, Avni Kaul says that tomato soup is one of the most commonly made soups during the winter season. The tomatoes are roasted, stewed and later pureed to prepare a creamy and rich soup.
03-10-2020: As the world battles against the notorious virus, it is becoming increasingly important to keep a check on our food intake and ensure a healthy diet. In this magazine, Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares recipes to create an immunity-boosting perfect platter at home.
03-10-2020: There is no particular food that can help you reduce fat or gain muscle mass. Which is why, one needs to look at diet planning more holistically. In this article, India's top nutritionist Avni Kaul suggests some foods that will help you lose weight by keeping you full for longer.
30-09-2020: Know the life journey of one of India's top nutritionist and celebrity dietician - Avni Kaul
30-09-2020: Let's face it- we all know that there is no one particular food item that will help you gain weight or lose weight. Regular physical activity, exercise and balanced meals will help you reach your desired goal with consistent efforts.
10-08-2020: A healthy heart means a healthy you, and that’s why we’ve prepared this list of nutrients that you must include in your diet for a healthy ticker.
09-09-2020: A sedentary lifestyle while working from home can lead to weight gain during the lockdown. As most people aren’t burning enough calories Nutritionist Avni Kaul.
26-07-2020: Yes, protein takes time to digest but not when taken in the right quantity. Likewise, protein doesn’t make you gain weight, in fact, it’s advised to those wanting to drop the kilos because protein makes one feel and stay full for longer.
27-07-2020: Avni Kaul, nutritionist, wellness coach and founder of NutriActivania says, "These seeds, both, individually and combined, contain several nutrients and minerals such as the omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fibre, vitamin B1, copper magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, protein, carbohydrates, beta carotene, folate and copper
14-07-2020: Wellness and weight management coach Avni Kaul shares how you can replace your stress eating favourites such as cheesy pizza and deep-fried fries with healthier eating choices that taste good and make you feel better too!
07-07-2020: Staying home for a long duration can have a bigger unwanted health consequence, especially amongst the urban Indian population most of whom are Vitamin D deficient.
22-05-2020:PMS diet: A healthy diet can help control the symptoms of PMS. Here are some diet recommendations straight from Indian's best nutritionist Avni Kaul that can help you fight PMS discomforts.
29-06-2020: A balanced diet and exercise can help you acquire good digestive health to combat infections in pandemic season
15-04-2020: While some immune-boosting herbs and tinctures can be difficult to access right now, fresh vegetables and fruits in a balanced diet can be the answer
16-06-2020: As men get older, the risk of experiencing prostate gland enlargement increases. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate gland is a small, walnut-shaped gland that is located behind the bladder in men.
08-06-2020: In the pre-Covd-19 world, when we could walk outdoors freely, our main source of Vitamin D was sunlight. And while some of us can still take a walk or two in the day to expose ourselves to the good ol’ sun, it may not be enough for the amount of Vitamin D our bodies need.
08-06-2020: This World Brain Tumour Day, learn about the warning signs and symptoms of brain tumours and how some foods and nutrients can help support brain health.
16-06-2020: With no vaccine for the coronavirus in sight, doctors and scientists around the world are confused about how to treat the coronavirus.
20-05-2020: Sustainablity of Indian Health Care Industry
05-05-2020: Learn how to cope with sore muscles.
01-05-2020: With so many diet myths and facts available, it’s hard to know which all plans will give you the maximum results without affecting your overall health.
01-05-2020: As you’re well aware, those infected with COVID-19 have a compromised immune system in some form or another, With this in mind, ensuring you take care of yourself and build your immunity is of the highest importance.
22-04-2020: Lazing around all day can really get to you . So, here’s what you need to start eating to get back your energy and reclaim your active life—at home.
15-04-2020: Maintaining your mental well-being during this crisis is as important as taking care of your body, and there are ways to do that, Nutritionist, Dietician and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul shares tips to maintain mental well-being during lockdown.
15-04-2020: With the outdoors being off limits for now, many parents are concerned that their children’s new routine of staying indoors may lower their resistance. There are ways you can boost your child’s immunity at home to ensure that they don’t fall sick easily
14-04-2020: Nutritionist Avni Kaul discusses the situation of current sustainability of Indian Healthcare Industry with Silicon India
14-04-2020: Want to know how to lose weight in 7 days with a sensible diet that will also prevent belly fat while you’re in quarantine? Here’s a 7-day meal plan that will help you stick to your weight loss diet.
12-04-2020: Some nutritious foods that can help one to stay away from getting anxiety, depression and managing stress levels. Here's a list of foods that can be a part of your diet.
08-04-2020: Want to know how to lose weight in 7 days with a sensible diet that will also prevent belly fat while you’re in quarantine? Here’s a 7-day meal plan that will help you stick to your weight loss diet.
02-04-2020: Strong immunity is essential for the body to deal with external threats such as viruses and bacteria, especially in times of seasonal fluctuations.
05-03-2020: Giving a robust corporate wellness program provides your organization the competitive edge that it is always looking for to attract and retain top and best talent
05-03-2020: Giving a robust corporate wellness program provides your organization the competitive edge that it is always looking for to attract and retain top and best talent
08-03-2020: An article on the entreprenuer journey of Avni Kaul
08-03-2020: Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares why mindless eating can not ease stress
13-02-2020: The present coronavirus outbreak has not yet shown major signs of slowing down in context to new infections. The regular number of new cases are going up, after increasing for several days, and the infection rate has not yet, highly peaked, according to govt based information from Chinese authorities
22-01-2020: आइए जानें न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट अवनि कौल द्वारा बताए जा रहे तीन स्पाइस-इन्फ़्यूज़्ड ड्रिंक्स, जो वज़न घटाने की आपकी जद्दोजहद में मददगार साबित हो सकते हैं.
23-01-2020: Best Spice-Infused Drinks To Have That Will Help Your Weight Loss Regimen Best Spice-Infused Drinks To Have That Will Help Your Weight Loss Regimen
09-01-2020: Savouring these items in moderation and being physically active is the key to have a healthy festival
26-01-2020: Calories tend to pile on during winters but don’t let the chill get to you. Avni Kaul offers tips on how to keep a check on your weight while enjoying the weather
06-01-2020: लूनर डाइट या मून डाइट चांद के विभिन्न चरणों के अनुसार उपवास करने की प्रक्रिया को दिया गया नाम है। इसको लूनर डाइट या वेयरवुल्फ डाइट के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
16-12-2019: The latest on the health radar is the moon diet, supposedly followed by celebrities such as Demi Moore and even Madonna. Experts
24-10-2019: According to Avni Kaul, nutritionist, wellness coach and certified diabetic educator, “The extent to which diabetes patients can indulge in sweets during Diwali depends on the individual’s condition..
02-12-2019: The normal blood pressure of a healthy adult individual is 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic. But when the pressure of the blood in the arteries
The air e breath has dangerous levels of pollutants; individuals with no history of respiratory problems are being rushed to hospital emergency rooms. while the government does its bit to improve air quality and lower air pollution.
28-10-2019: Avni Kaul, nutritionist, wellness coach, and certified diabetic educator, founder, NutriActivania talks about detox...
31-10-2019: Avni Kaul, nutritionist, wellness coach, and certified diabetic educator, founder, NutriActivania shares her insights with wedding vows magazine.
New Delhi-based nutritionist, Avni Kaul, about what you can do to successfully increase your daily water intake. Ahead, we list out their top tips....
22-10-2019: begin your day with a glass of warm water containing the juice of half-a-lemon,” says nutritionist and wellness coach Avni Kaul, founder, Nutri Activania..
15-10-2019: Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, is a guest contributor expert panel
01-10-2019: Inputs by India's top dietician and nutritionist Avni Kaul...
24-09-2019: By Ms. Avni Kaul Nutritionist, Wellness Coach & Certified Diabetic Educator, Founder, NutriActivania.
17-09-2019: Due to the persistent showers almost during any hour of the day, the chances of catching a common cold, viral infection or influenza during this time is quite high, says nutritionist Avni Kaul.
10-09-2019: Ms. Avni Kaul, Wellness Coach, Nutritionist and Founder of NutriActivania talks on poshtik aahar.
25-07-2019: Nutritionist Avni Kaul says they have a valid reason. The Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla is a nutritious fruit of a tree that mainly grows in India and some other Asian countries. This fruit is known for its high vitamin C....
13-07-2019: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach and founder of Nutri Activania, says, "Both paleo and AIP diet acts differently on different people. So, there is no conclusive evidence which says it is 100 percent effective."
10-07-2019: Delhi's best nutrition and dietician Avni Kaul shares, “Citric acid, or citrate, is an organic acid that exists in all fruits. The highest concentration of citric acid occurs in lemon juice with 1.44 grams per ounce of juice.
Click the Read Full Article to watch the news...
GOOGLE NEWS reports nutritionist Avni Kaul's warning on the influence of smartphones on Indian youth at Udayan Care's Women Empowerment Summit...
24-02-2019: Good nutrition helps one’s body to heal better. And this dictum holds true even for life-threatening diseases such as cancer
21-02-2019: According to Avni Kaul, "An ideal diet is a balanced diet that has optimum combinations of all the food groups.
February-2019: Avni Kaul, a Delhi-based nutritionist and wellness coach, recommends several small meals rather than the traditional three square meals
29-01-2019: By Avni Kaul, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activania Gaining weight is easy but it is especially so in winter when the days are shorter and one is more prone to being inactive.
28-09-2018: न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट और बेलैंस को न्यूट्री एक्टीवेनिया की प्रमुख अवनि कौल दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए पांच आसान सुझाव दे रही हैं .
25-11-2018: Nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about countering air pollution with nutrition.
15-11-2018: न्यूट्री एक्टीवीनिया की संस्थापक अवनी कौल ने कहा कि यह बीमारी बच्चों में क्यों होती है इसका कारण अभी पता नहीं चला है, हालांकि बीमारी से लड़ने की क्षमता जब कम हो जाती है को कई बीमारियां हमला करती हैं। ऐसे ही शरीर में मधुमेह जैसी बीमारियों का वास होता है।
12-11-2018: अगर आप भी वज़न घटाने को लेकर परेशान हैं और उसके लिए खाना कम खाती हैं या रात का खाना नहीं खाती हैं तो इसका असर क्या होगा? बता रही हैं न्यूट्रिशन और वेलनेस कोच अवनि कौल.
14-11-2018: Nutritionist, Dietician and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul says More than 90% of the diseases arise from our stomach. Improper intake of junk, not enough sleep, hormonal imbalances and many more.
09-11-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach talks about detoxification after festivities .
01-11-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Founder Of Nutri Activania Talks On The Benefits & Uses Of Turmeric.
18-10-2018: न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट और वेलनेस कोच अवनि कौल का कहना है कि हर खिलाड़ी को अपने खेल के मुताबिक, अपने शरीर के मुताबिक ख़ुराक़ों की ज़रूरत पड़ती है.
01-10-2018: Sports Nutritionist Ms Avni Kaul joined the session to cheer up the young squad en-‐route Buenos Aires .
08-10-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionis, Founder of Nutri Activania says The heart can be kept trouble-free by controlling weight, exercising regularly and eating nutritious food..
02-10-2018:By Avni Kaul,Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activania says Hormones affect your mental, physical and emotional health by controlling your appetite, weight and mood..
28-09-2018: न्यूट्री एक्टीवेनिया की प्रमुख अवनि कौल ने दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ये पांच सुझाव दिए हैं
28-09-2018: न्यूट्री एक्टीवेनिया की प्रमुख अवनि कौल ने दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ये पांच सुझाव दिए हैं : * भोजन की मात्रा पर ध्यान दें
25-09-2018: It makes little difference whether it’s fruit yogurt or unsweetened, although live yogurt is best”, says Avni Kaul.
04-09-2018: Avni Kaul, nutrisionis dan ahli kesehatan mengungkapkan bahwa makanan.
03-09-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, says "Anything that is good for the heart is good for the penis - that is the general rule..
30-08-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul,Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Nutri Activania A good night’s sleep is a blessing that everybody needs to rejuvenate and work well and efficiently the next day too.
02-08-2018: According to Avni Kaul, “Even 150ml of a high-calorie, sugar-laden sports drink can undo all the good walking you may have done.
27-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, "विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है।
26-07-2018: पोषण विशेषज्ञ अवनी कौल इस बारे में कहा, "विज्ञान ने पिछले कुछ वर्षो में बहुत तरक्की कर ली है जिसकी वजह से हेपेटाइटिस सी का इलाज संभव है. जब बीमारी आठ से बारह सप्ताह से चल रही हो तब भी उसका 90 प्रतिशत लोगों में उसका उपचार संभव है.
27-07-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activani Potato is the most misunderstood in the group of vegetables, especially by people who are aiming at losing weight."
18-07-2018: According to Avni Kaul, a Delhi-based nutritionist, it all depends on the ingredients used to make the roll because that determines its calorie count..
09-07-2018: Delhi's best nutrition and dietician Avni Kaul shares, “Citric acid, or citrate, is an organic acid that exists in all fruits. The highest concentration of citric acid occurs in lemon juice with 1.44 grams per ounce of juice.
05-07-2018: Nutritionist and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul Talks About Child Fitness and Nutrition with DD.
07-07-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi, notes: Dark chocolate also contains healthy fats.
15-06-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Founder of Nutri Activania It takes all kinds of people to make the world as beautiful as it is
05-06-2018: Avni Kaul, a Diabetes educator, nutritionist and entrepreneur to decode the secret to stay healthy even while travelling.
12-06-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania, certified diabetes educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation, Delhi, says, health screenings for men can be as basic as getting a monthly blood pressure check.
16-06-2018: Authored By Avni Kaul, Everyone needs a different amounts of water to lead a healthy life depending on one’s general health and the level of activity one indulges in the place of residence or away from it. Avni Kaul is a nutritionist and certified diabetes instructor.
25-05-2018: One should also eat diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids like nuts (almonds, walnuts), chia seeds, flax seeds and olive oil,” says Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach, founder of Nutri Activania..
25-05-2018: By Avni Kaul Good By Avni Kaul Thyroid is an integral part of the endocrine system of the human body and is situated in front of the neck – just below the Adam’s apple...
16-05-2018: Avni Kaul says: The most basic thing to do is include more vegetables (especially leafy green vegetables), fruits, low-fat dairy products, and fiber-rich foods, and fewer carbohydrates, fats, processed foods, and sugary drinks...
15-05-2018: Nutritionist and Wellness Coach Avni Kaul talks about body check up tests for men after crossing 50 years...
20-04-2018: Authored by Nutritionist Avni Kaul.
10-04-2018: Inputs By Avni Kaul, Founder of Nutri Activania Regarding Consumption of Mango .
03-09-2016: Authored By Avni Kaul: The Blood Type Diet, also known as the Blood Group Diet, was initiated.
19-07-2017: Avni Kaul, Clinical and Sports Nutritionist, Delhi* sheds light on a few interesting things you need to know about intermittent fasting.
25-01-2018: Avni Kaul, Senior Nutritionist at Fitness First at HelloMeets recently organised a meetup on The Ultimate Nutrition Guide to Women’s Health.
01-09-2017: Avni Kaul, Dietician at Fitness First Iconic in south Delhi's Saket, says protein is a highly essential component that a person requires, because it assists in repairing and rebuilding body tissues.
13-11-2016: Authored By: Avni Kaul, The Blood Type Diet, also known as the Blood Group Diet, was initiated and popularised by a naturopathic physician by the name of Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, in the year 1996 ...
09-11-2018: Avni Kaul, nutritionist and wellness coach talks about detoxification after festivities .
01-11-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Founder Of Nutri Activania Talks On The Benefits & Uses Of Turmeric.
18-10-2018: न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट और वेलनेस कोच अवनि कौल का कहना है कि हर खिलाड़ी को अपने खेल के मुताबिक, अपने शरीर के मुताबिक ख़ुराक़ों की ज़रूरत पड़ती है.
08-10-2018: Avni Kaul, Nutritionis, Founder of Nutri Activania says The heart can be kept trouble-free by controlling weight, exercising regularly and eating nutritious food. .
02-10-2018:By Avni Kaul,Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, Founder of Nutri Activania says Hormones affect your mental, physical and emotional health by controlling your appetite, weight and mood..
13 Jan 2025: Iron is crucial during pregnancy to prevent anemia and support the health of both mother and baby. Including iron-rich foods in your diet can help avoid fatigue and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
17-01-2025: Most of us would agree that our favourite meals aren't typically enjoyed on an aeroplane. Airline food is often pre-packaged, reheated, and served in flimsy paper trays with plastic utensils, making the whole experience feel lacklustre.
Jan 17, 2025: Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience that goes far beyond delivery. The postpartum period, sometimes referred to as the "fourth trimester," is an important time for physical recovery and emotional adjustment.
Avni Kaul is Founder of Nutriactivania with Masters Degree in Food and Nutrition from University of Delhi and is also a Certified Diabetes Educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation. She is a Leicester Mammas Ambassador trained in Lactation Counselling with NHS United Kingdom. Mammas support pregnant and new mothers and their families. Specializations of Avni Kaul Include Infant and Young Child Feeding Practises, Pre and Post natal diets, Fat loss, Muscle Gain and Holistic Health and Nutrition