Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares if Lemon Water can Help Lose Weight
For some years now, there has been a trend around slicing up a lemon, giving it a squeeze into a glass of hot water, and drinking it. What is the reason?
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says a sort of aura seems to have appeared around the citrus-filled beverage, with some backers claiming that it can assist with weight loss, your body’s pH, and getting clear skin.
Any such evidence to back up these claims is almost minimal and non-existent. But it is not to say that there is no benefit to having a slice of the lemon in your glass of water.
Hot water with lemon itself does not cause any actual weight loss. But, if this drink is replacing your beverage which is higher in calories, like a sugary coffee or fruit juice well that may result in a calorie reduction. Then it can help one lose weight.
Drinking water whether cold or hot mixed with lemon, or plain also assists keep your metabolism bustling. Staying hydrated is an essential; component of a healthy diet because it boosts your metabolism.
For those who do not enjoy plain water, adding some lemon is a good way to enhance the flavor without adding calories. In this article, top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul share the truth can lemon water really helps lose weight.
Benefits Of Lemon Water
Well, there is nothing exactly on board. But what about the lab tests?
Technically a study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition found that polyphenols (plant compounds that also, act as antioxidants) found in the lemon peel and juice could help to stimulate the liver to burn fat. But this research was done on rats consuming high fat so those findings probably will not translate to the human body.
In the short, having water with lemon can decrease a bloated belly. It works as a mild, natural diuretic.
However, if one is experiencing bloating in the long term, it is best to find out what is making it and look to stop those habits. Eating too quickly, drinking with a straw, consuming carbonated beverages, eating excessive salt, and having foods with sugar are common miscreants.
One will also don’t want to gulp water with lemon daily if they experience heartburn or acid reflux, as the citrus in the lemon will only aggravate your symptoms.
The Final Word On Lemon Water For Weight Loss
Lemon water will not do any miracle to help you reduce weight. In reality, no beverage alone can help you slim down. For that you need to eat properly, need to be active by doing physical activities or exercise and maintain a healthy balance in your overall lifestyle.