Today, the corona vaccine has become more or less a top priority for every family and most of us are either have completed the 1st or 2nd dose or waiting for the vaccine to be available to our age group. True, the corona vaccine has brought some relief and ray of hope against the deadly disease.
However, there also some reports of side effects of the vaccine. Though most people are having either minimal or no side effects, there are few who are complaining fever, fatigue to body ache, post-vaccine. Why is it so? WHO suggests mild side effects are normal but body dehydration and poor immune system can also possibly trigger the side effects.
Thus a healthy diet, the knowledge of what to eat before and after the vaccine, can possibly help you to have a safe and smooth vaccine experience.
In today’s article, India’s leading Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares key info on the diet one should try to follow before and after getting the corona vaccine.
Drink Plenty of Water
Remember today, while we are staying indoor mostly in an air-conditioned environment and a lot of us are forgetting to take the proper dose of daily water. Hence 2-3 days prior to taking the vaccine, start drinking plenty of water and continue to take a good quantity of water after the vaccine too. Remember keeping adequately hydrated is extremely important, to reduce the chances of side effects after vaccination. The water consumption throughout the day helps to re-energize which in turn minimizes the risk of developing severe side effects and helps you to feel better through the course of the corona vaccine. So, don’t forget to drink water.
Don’t Drink Alcohol
Possibly every vaccine center must have warned you to avoid alcohol consumption for three days, after taking the vaccine. Since alcohol leads to dehydration, that may intensify these side effects of the vaccine. Hence take the vaccine instruction very seriously and avoid alcohol for at least 3 days to 1 week.
Avoid Food Rich in Saturated Fats and Sugar
As per the study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, saturated fats and sugary foods can possibly cause poor quality sleep and hence can lead to a stressed and tired body and mind. And during the process of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is essential to maintain a well-rested and active body. Source:
Adopt Wholegrain and Avoid Process Food
Whole grains (including oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat) supplying nutrients like fiber, folate, magnesium, selenium, and iron that help our body to maintain a higher immunity level.
That is why, when you decide to take the COVID vaccine shot, consume healthy whole grain and avoid junk and processed food that are high on saturated fat and have high amount of calories.
**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**
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