Chronic or any other pain can really devoid you from doing even your normal activities. Anyone who suffers from any form of chronic pain can certainly tell you how hard it is sometimes to get up from sleep in the morning due to back, knee or neck pain or stiffness in it.
For some it becomes really difficult to take the first step in the morning when you have pain or tingling in your heel. But 1 has to live with it.
Mostly you go for medicines to counter pain but even if you make some dietary changes and include specific foods in your routine then also, you can get relief against the pain that bothers you daily.
Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul tells about foods that help against pain.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are high in fiber, thus have a higher satiety value, making you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Once you have a full stomach, you are not inclined to eat unhealthy stuff and you manage your weight. Also, whole grains are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that has been known to provide energy to muscles, thereby helping in relieving muscle pain. Include Ragi, Bajra, and Jowar in your diet, you can mix them in your atta also.
Turmeric is a popular Indian spice. Its powder is used in several vegetables and curries. It contains curcumin that helps to reduce pain.
Ginger is one of the best pain killers having analgesic qualities such as the popular ibuprofen. It consists of a quartet, gingerol, paradol, shogaol, and zingerone which are active ingredients to help relieve the pain. Drink ginger tea and infusions particularly during monsoons and winter to get relief from the recurring pain.
Greens such as spinach, amaranth, and methi, coriander leaves not only have good iron content but are a source of vitamin K that supports maintain strong bones and healthy joints. Vitamin K also assists with blood clotting, so if you are taking blood thinners, check with your physician before boosting your vitamin K intake.
Dairy Products
You might not be aware, but dairy products such as curd and milk can help reduce pain. They contain 2 bone-building nutrients calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for muscle growth, helpful in countering pain also.