Reducing weight is not easy but even small healthy habits could go a long way in making your weight loss journey quicker and easier. There are certain dietary practices that could help you get results quicker such as drinking warm water in the morning as well as before meals or snacking healthy, etc. Actually, there is one lesser-known home remedy for weight loss which not many weight watchers are aware of. It is eating garlic seeped in honey on an empty stomach. A combination of honey and garlic may not seem appetizing but it is beneficial when it comes to weight loss and improving your overall well-being. Consumption of raw garlic first thing in the morning is recommended for improving digestion and detoxifying the body. In fact, raw garlic has been consumed with water for a number of health issues such as hypertension and high cholesterol levels for a long time.
Honey And Garlic for Weight Loss
If you are an individual who is in ‘detox mode,’ then garlic and honey are going to be nature’s gift for you. This is because this unusual tonic could help detoxify your body fully. But, probably its biggest health benefit is in helping weight loss by stimulating appetite and improving digestion. As it is often said, a good digestive system is important for quicker weight loss, Honey and garlic are suitable companions for your weight loss journey.
Raw garlic has a better nutritive profile compared to cooked garlic, making the former a better weight loss option. Similarly, consuming raw honey early in the morning helps metabolise fat better. Honey is fat and cholesterol-free and helps in controlling hunger pangs. It is also a source of energy, helping you glide through all your morning tasks with ease.
How To Eat Raw Garlic And Honey For Weight Loss
You can make the mixture of honey and raw garlic and store it in an airtight jar for everyday consumption. All you require is some clean and fresh garlic cloves that are peeled, some raw or organic honey and a glass jar. Put the peeled garlic cloves in the jar and pour honey on them, till they are completely covered in it. Shut the lid of the jar tightly and shake it to allow the honey to coat the garlic completely. Let the concoction settle for some time to allow the garlic nutrients to seep out into the honey and vice versa. You can take out one garlic clove daily, crush it with a spoon or a knife and eat it on an empty stomach to achieve quicker weight loss.
Raw honey is the best original sweet liquid you can get. It is gathered fresh after being produced by honeybees with the nectar they obtain from flower blossoms. It is unheated, unpasteurised, and unprocessed. This is not too hard to understand as the word ‘raw’ clearly indicates being ‘uncooked’. This homemade remedy is good for your skin health as well. It is because garlic is a natural blood purifier and also contains anti-bacterial properties.
But, make sure to not eat it in excess as excess eating of honey may later increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. The inputs are from India’s top dietician for weight loss Avni Kaul.