The cantaloupes are wonderful summer fruits with multiple health benefits for the body. These fruits have a high water content that rules out dehydration in the extreme summer heat. Known as muskmelon, cantaloupe is full of essential nutrients and solution for most of the health disorders.
Health benefits of Cantaloupe
Dehydration- With its high water contents, minerals, and other nutrients present, it helps to sustain the body in the high summer heat.
Increases vision– Owing to the presence of Vitamin C & A besides other nutrients, cantaloupe improves the eye vision.
Averts Asthma– Vitamin C and beta-carotene contents of cantaloupe are comforting for asthma and helps its patients to recover fast if regularly consumed.
Averts Cancer– Its amazing nutrients such as antioxidants, phytochemicals, and beta-carotene helps prevent free radicals that damage the cells generations. Its anti-tumour benefits reported by researchers also.
Enhances immunity– Immunity is the most important aspect to fight diseases in our bodies. Vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, and phytochemicals combat free radicals. The nutrients present in cantaloupe help produce more white blood cells that destroy foreign bodies such as bacteria to enhance immunity.
Controls blood sugar– Cantaloupe is helpful in regulating the blood sugar, this helps the sugar patients.
Improves digestion– Cantaloupe contains dietary fibre, which improves the digestion system and bowel movement.
Improves Blood Circulation- The studies have found cantaloupes to improve body metabolism and blood circulation.
Consume the ‘wonder’ food cantaloupe in any form, raw or as a smoothie, or as an ingredient in the salad to enjoy its immense benefits.
written by Avni Kaul – Nutritionist and Wellness Coach