Winters are here, the awesome combo of Makki ki roti and Sarson ka saag are in high demand. Some make it at their homes, some look to order it from restaurants from eating outlets.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says besides the delicious taste, there are several health reasons why it is a favorite for many. From assisting during pregnancy to promoting weight gain for the weight deprived individuals, this dish can do several things.
In this article, Delhi’s Top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about how eating Makki ki roti this winter will provide a host of health benefits.
Feeling lazy or lethargic is a common phenomenon during the winters. If daily working out is your passion then have Makki ki roti. The reason is that it has carbohydrates that take time to digest which provides you energy for a longer duration.
Weight Gain
If one is underweighted then corn or Makki helps in gaining it. It is healthy and one does not have to eat unhealthy alternatives for those extra kilos. You will also be getting vitamins and good quality fiber.
Cholesterol And Blood Sugar
Consumption of sweet corn and corn oil can assist in the increase of blood flow. It also reduces cholesterol absorption and regulates insulin, which is a boon for patients having cholesterol and diabetes.
Makki in the roti helps in lowering the risk of anemia. It has a combination of Vitamin B12, folic acid, Vitamin B12, and iron which is good for your red blood cells. This, in turn, supports keeping anemia at bay.
For both the mother and the baby, Makki is excellent. It contains folic acid, zeaxanthin, and pathogenic acid which assists in reducing the risk of birth defects in the baby. It usually protects the foetus from muscular degeneration and physiological problems.
Good For Skin
Makki has vitamin C and lycopene (antioxidants) present in it, which increases the production of collagen and prevents UV generated free radicals from damaging your skin.