When it comes to losing weight, a nutritious and low-calorie breakfast can set the tone for the rest of your day. Indian cuisine offers a plethora of breakfast options that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Here are five tasty and low-calorie Indian breakfast ideas that can aid in your weight loss journey as shared by top dietician for weight loss, Avni Kaul, in this post.

What are some of the low-calorie and tasty Indian breakfasts that could help in weight loss?

Poha – Poha, or flattened rice, is a popular breakfast dish in many Indian households. It is light, easy to digest, and can be prepared quickly. Poha is typically made with a mix of spices, mustard seeds, curry leaves, onions, and peas. You can add a squeeze of lemon and garnish with fresh coriander for extra flavour. Poha is low in calories and high in carbohydrates, which provides the energy boost needed to start your day. It also contains iron and is a good source of fiber, especially when vegetables are added. For an even healthier version, opt for brown poha, which retains more of the rice’s natural nutrients.

weightloss indian breakfast ideas by dietician Avni Kaul

Oats Idli – A nutritious twist on the traditional South Indian idli, oats idli combines the health benefits of oats with the classic taste of idlis. Oats are rich in fiber, which can help you feel full longer and reduce overall calorie intake.
To make oats idli, you can mix powdered oats with semolina (rava), yogurt, and a variety of vegetables like carrots, peas, and beans. This mixture is then steamed to create fluffy and light idlis. Serve with coconut chutney or sambar for a wholesome and satisfying breakfast.

Methi Parantha – Methi (fenugreek) parantha is another excellent low-calorie breakfast option. Fenugreek leaves are known for their numerous health benefits, including aiding in digestion and controlling blood sugar levels. To make methi parantha, fresh fenugreek leaves are mixed into whole wheat dough along with spices like cumin and ajwain (carom seeds). The paranthas are then rolled out and cooked on a griddle with minimal oil. Pair your methi parantha with a bowl of yogurt or a side of pickles for a delicious and nutritious start to your day.

Moong Dal Chilla – Moong dal chilla, or savory lentil pancakes, is a protein-packed breakfast that is both filling and low in calories. Moong dal (split green gram) is soaked, ground into a batter, and then mixed with spices, onions, tomatoes, and coriander.

Cook the batter on a non-stick pan to make thin, crispy chillas. These can be enjoyed with green chutney or a dollop of yogurt. The high protein content in moong dal helps in muscle repair and keeps you satiated, which is beneficial for weight loss.

Green Pea Upma – Upma is a versatile and traditional South Indian breakfast dish made from semolina (rava). Green pea upma incorporates the goodness of peas, adding fiber and protein to the dish. To prepare, roast the semolina until lightly golden. In another pan, sauté mustard seeds, curry leaves, chopped onions, green peas, and other vegetables of your choice. Add roasted semolina and then water. Cook until the mixture thickens. A dash of lemon juice and fresh coriander leaves can enhance the flavor. Green pea upma is light yet filling, making it an ideal low-calorie breakfast option.

Incorporating these low-calorie Indian breakfast options into your diet can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals while enjoying flavorful and satisfying meals. Poha, oats idli, methi parantha, moong dal chilla, and green pea upma are all excellent choices that offer a balance of essential nutrients and energy to kickstart your day. Remember, the key to weight loss is not just eating low-calorie foods but also maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

Dietician Avni Kaul