The process of weaning starts when you start feeding your baby something other than your breastmilk. Usually, weaning happens naturally and gradually as the baby becomes more aware of the various foods available around him. However, if you want to wean your baby early, you should go about it slowly to give you and your baby time to get used to the change. It can affect you physically while the baby loses comfort and nutrition he gets through breastfeeding.
WHO (World Health Organization) recommend that babies should be breastfed for at least the first six months of their life. After that, they should be introduced to solid food leading to gradual weaning without much effort. Babies can be breastfed even when weaning is almost complete for comfort and sense of security for both the mother and the baby.
Weaning should be delayed if the baby is teething or is sick for the antibodies in your breastmilk helps the baby fight off illness and germs. Sometimes, babies resist weaning. At such times, it should not be forced unless absolutely necessary for medical reasons. Sometimes mothers are prescribed medicines which may not be safe for the baby. It then becomes imperative to hurry the process of weaning.
Children wean themselves gradually when they become more interested in their surroundings, exploring new flavours and smells, playing, walking and talking. Sometimes, they get used to sucking a pacifier or their thumb or feeding from a bottle for comfort and when they feel hungry. Weaning is always gradual and the child will still need to be monitored if his nutritional needs are being fulfilled besides giving him regular cuddles.
If the baby needs to be weaned suddenly, do so by taking away his least favourite feeding first by replacing it with formula. Nursing before the baby falls off to sleep and immediately after he wakes up is usually the last to stop. Keep the baby busy in something interesting so that he doesn’t miss being close to you. Hand express or pump enough breastmilk so that you are comfortable yourself. Binding your breasts during this period can cause plugged ducts or infection in the breast. Consult your doctor if you need a pain reliever. Sage tea, peppermint, parsley, yarrow and jasmine help in decreasing your milk supply as do antihistamines and hormonal birth control pills. All these are helpful during the weaning period. Most important is that the mother should shower a little extra love and attention on the baby while weaning so that the transition happens naturally and without any problems.
About the author: Avni Kaul is India’s most trusted nutritionist and wellness coach. She is a certified nutritionist as well as Diabetes Educator and specializes in weight management, child nutrition, skin and beauty health, thyroid disorder, cardiovascular health, diabetic management, wedding nutrition, sports nutrition, and corporate wellness.