6 Wonder Foods That Enhances Your Brain Power If You Are Above Forty

There is no secret that as you get older, few things require more care. For example, you probably already know that you need to take better care of your heart, your weight, or your blood pressure.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says you’ve also got make sure that you are taking good care of your brain. There are a lot of methods to do so, but one key aspect is to make sure you’re eating right.

The proper brain foods can keep your mind with razor-sharp as you enter your 40s.

In this article, Delhi’s top dietitian and nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about 5 wonder foods that enhance your brain power if you are above forty.


Spinach is not only a rich bodybuilding food, but it also contains lutein, which is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents cognitive decline. Lutein in comparison to other carotenoids is absorbed well by the brain. Lutein helps in improved executive functioning of the brain like memory and learning.

Green Or Black Tea

The antioxidant catechin, found in tea improves blood flow, which enhances brainpower by improving memory, mood, and focus. Drink one cup of freshly brewed tea every day, hot or iced. Avoid consuming bottled teas as they don’t have the same effect.

Whole Grains

Your brain works like a furnace that needs a constant supply of fuel (in the form of glucose) to function. Fiber-rich whole grains give an even flow, and their B vitamins feed the nervous system. Oats, brown rice, and whole-grain pieces of bread are your best options.


Gorge on one ounce of almonds per day to improve vitamin E, a low level of which is linked with poor memory performance and cognitive decline. Almonds are known to improve memory boost since earlier times.


Dairy products such as milk and plain yogurt is rich in protein and B vitamins and they have low glycemic indexes, which means they provide a stable supply of energy to the brain. Look for three servings a day of a low-fat or fat-free dairy product.

Turmeric (Haldi)

Curcumin, the main ingredient present in turmeric, improves cognitive function, according to various evidence. Apply turmeric to spice up lean meats in place of salt. It also works well with vegetables, rice, and salad dressings.

P.S. Please remember that there are various aspects that impact one’s brain functioning. A blind approach to include any diet plan may worsen the condition if any. Always consult your doctor or a reputed nutritionist or a dietitian before opting for any diet plan.

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