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Rising Star Award
India’s Best Dietitian’s Award
Best Nutritionist in India
India's Eminent Nutritionist Avni Kaul was awarded the "Rising Star Award for Time She unLTd Entrepreneur Award 2020" at a prestigious award ceremony held by India's leading news publication Delhi Times unit of The Times of India, held at New Delhi, on 23'rd July 2020. The award was co-powered by Senco Gold and Diamonds.
Avni Kaul was awarded the Best Nutritionist in India 2018-19 awards at prestigious
India’s Best Doctors Awards Ceremony. held at New Delhi, on 20th January 2019.
The award ceremony (India’s Best Doctors Award (IBDA)) was instituted by Brands
Impact to recognize the contributions of healthcare professionals & organization
towards strengthening India’s Healthcare sector.
Avni Kaul was awarded India’s Best Dietitian’s Award for her excellent work and contribution in the field of dietary services at of Fitness Excellence Awards (FEA) 2019. FEA was hosted by Messe Frankfurt, which is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser company and is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany.
Avni Kaul is Founder of Nutriactivania with Masters Degree in Food and Nutrition from University of Delhi and is also a Certified Diabetes Educator from Project Hope and International Diabetes Federation. She is a Leicester Mammas Ambassador trained in Lactation Counselling with NHS United Kingdom. Mammas support pregnant and new mothers and their families. Specializations of Avni Kaul Include Infant and Young Child Feeding Practises, Pre and Post natal diets, Fat loss, Muscle Gain and Holistic Health and Nutrition