Pomegranate or Anar is one of the healthiest fruits on earth. Anar has several incredible health benefits for your body. It is known as a divine fruit because it is the most cited fruit in theological books.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says Anar has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties and is said to be a great source of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid.

This wonderful fruit consists of three times as many antioxidants as both wine or green tea. Consuming pomegranate on a consistent basis also lowers the risk of all sorts of diseases.

In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietitian Avni Kaul talks about Anar the wonder fruit: which provides hosts of health benefits.

Here they are.

Protects You From Free Radicals

Pomegranate or Anar is high in anti-oxidants and thus protects your body from free radicals, which are responsible for premature ageing. Free radicals are developed by exposure to the sun and due to harmful toxins present in the environment.

Prevents Atherosclerosis

With increasing age and the kind of lifestyle you live, the walls of your arteries become harder due to cholesterol, resulting in blockages at times. The anti-oxidant property of the Anar prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing. So, eating Anar removes the excess fat and prevents the hardening of artery walls.

It Thins Your Blood

Antioxidants present in Anar act as a ‘thinner for your blood’. The seeds of Anar stops your blood platelets from forming clots and coagulating.

There are two types of blood clots, first is the good one which speeds up the recovery during a cut or an injury and second is when there is an internal clot, like in heart, arteries or anywhere else inside your body. These types of clots are not good and can be fatal for your overall health.

It Prevents Arthritis

Anar can reduce the damage of the cartilage by countering the enzyme that does so. Anar also has the ability to decrease in inflammation.

Counters Heart Disease And Prostate Cancer

Some studies claim that Anar juice has the ability to fight prostate cancer. An experiment proved that Anar juice slowed the growth and even killed cultured cancer cells. And as already mentioned above that pomegranate juice thins the blood and thus improves its condition which in turn averts cardiovascular diseases.

It Lowers Blood Pressure

Anar is also, helpful when it comes to lower the blood pressure. Because it contains Punicic acid which is one of the main constituents of Anar that is responsible for lower cholesterol and triglycerides and also reduce BP (Blood Pressure).

Helps In Digestion

You all know that fiber is good for digestion. But due to your lifestyle where you are inclined towards eating junk food, you miss the goodness of fiber in your vegetables and fruits. Adding Anar to your everyday diet can be one of the best ways to include fiber in your daily routine. Single pomegranate contains 45 % of your daily recommended intake of fiber.

Boosts Immunity

Being high in anti-inflammatory compounds, Anar is extremely healthy for those suffering from immune-related disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. They are also rich in vitamin C, which enhances antibody production and helps in the development of immunity. Anar can thus help you maintain a healthy immune system and keep common illnesses and infections at bay.

About Nutritionist Avni Kaul
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