Top Bridal Beauty Foods For Glowing Skin And Lustrous Hair


wedding dietician in Delhi Avni kaul

Just a few months from now the wedding season will arrive across various parts of India. Everybody particularly the would-be brides want to look at their best for their biggest day of life. And the attempt to look ravishing starts with months old preparation which includes taking utmost care of skin and hair. There is an old saying “You are what you eat,” and when it is about your wedding beauty routine, it could not be truer. In fact, what you put into your body is simply as, if not more, important than what you put on it.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says this is particularly true when it comes to hair and skin health. You can purchase all of the fancy lotions and potions in the world, but if you are having a poor diet, it’s going to be visible through in your appearance. The great news is that the best foods for healthy skin and hair are easy to find, simple to prepare, and wonderful to eat. Get glowing from the inside out by including nutritional powerhouses to your bridal beauty diet. In this article, Delhi’s top skincare and beauty nutritionist and dietitian Avni Kaul shares some of the top bridal beauty foods for glowing skin and lustrous hair.

Eggs – Eggs, particularly the yolks, are very rich in biotin. Biotin is a B-vitamin which helps to strengthen hair, skin, and nails. Biotin can help make hair and nails grow faster, so including biotin-rich foods in your diet is a good shortcut to looking good. If you can’t sustain the thought of eating eggs first thing in the morning, try having a hard-boiled egg for a snack, or adding it to your salad during lunch. Just ensure that you’re eating the whole egg because the yolks are the best source of biotin.

Nuts – Again, nuts are also high in biotin and are good to include in your diet if you are vegan. They are an easy, portable snack that you can eat on throughout the day. Just remember one thing that because they are so nutrient-dense, it’s essential to exercise portion control. Now the question comes are all nuts created equal? For this, walnuts are your best choice. Not only are they rich in biotin, but they also contain the highest levels of omega-3s.

Spinach – Spinach is filled with vitamin C and iron, both of which are required to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin C assists with the production of collagen, while iron promotes circulation. Include spinach into your diet by adding a few handfuls to a salad, or serving it as a side dish at dinner with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Tomatoes – One of the easiest ways to protect your skin from the inside out is by eating tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene. Lycopene is known to increase the skin’s resistance to UV rays and lower the effects of sun damage.

Garlic – Garlic is a potent antioxidant that happens to be a tasty addition to many aromatic dishes. It contains allicin, which is known to prevent hair loss. It is also popular for its ability to clear skin blemishes, thanks to its antibacterial qualities. Just be careful regarding how much you eat, because it tends to give people a specific scent at high enough levels.

Sweet Potatoes (Shakarkand) And Carrots – You must be thinking what does sweet potatoes (Shakarkand) and carrots have in common, other than an orange texture? A large concentration of beta-carotene, which is converted in your body to vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to repair skin on a cellular level and boosts blood flow reduces wrinkles and giving skin a more dewy, youthful look.

Consuming vitamin A is much preferred to topical application, as vitamin A is toxic in higher doses. Fortunately, your bodies are incredibly smart and only convert the precise amount of beta-carotene to vitamin A that you need. So, while you can eat away on as many carrots as you may like without worrying about overdoing it, it is possible that by applying a vitamin A-spiked serum straight on to your skin, you could be giving yourself too much of a good thing.

Water – By far the simplest and least expensive way to keep your skin looking young is by drinking lots of water. Staying hydrated flushes toxins from your body and gives your skin a glowing appearance. Avoid guzzling water while eating lots of salt, though. Salt helps you to retain water and can cause bloating. The good thing is that drinking plenty of water keeps you full. Thus, you’re less likely to overeat. Keep a water bottle handy when you are out and about so that you remember to drink.

You need to remember that the ideal way to stay healthy both on the inside and outside is to eat a balanced diet of genuine, wholesome foods. Adding above-mentioned foods to your bridal beauty diet will have you both looking and feeling great for your wedding.

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