Are You Frequently Feeling Fatigued?

Dietician and Nutritionist Avni Shares Ways to Counter Fatigue with Food

When fatigue sets in during your day most of you reach for a pick-me-up in the form of sugar or caffeine. Definitely, both of these boost energy levels rapidly. But they also lack staying power and are not good for your overall health in excess.

Luckily, you have better alternatives for staying alert and awake. Once you know what high-energy foods to have and a few best practices on ways to eat them, you will be on your way to feeling better in no time.

Start your high-energy diet with these tips shared in this blog by Delhi’s top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul.

Do Not Skip Breakfast

People who have their breakfast perform better at tasks, eat fewer overall calories and miss fewer days at work and school compared to those who don’t. People who miss breakfast are more prone to be less active and even lethargic during the morning.

Try to Refrain Using Refined Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates gives much-required energy for your body. But highly refined carbohydrates like white bread, candy, and sweet baked products lead to a carbohydrates crash, making you feel groggy and even sleepy. For lasting energy, look for unrefined carbohydrates and foods high in fiber. Try oatmeal, brown rice, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale blueberries, oranges, legumes, for starters.

Try Not to Overindulge on your Coffee

Daily having two cups of coffee is fine. Going more than that sets you up for fatigue later during the day. On top of that, consuming caffeine late in the afternoon or early during the evening could lead to sleepless nights and even lead to more fatigue the next day.

Include Lean Protein to your Meals and Snacks

Protein takes a long time to digest and absorb. When you eat it with carbohydrates, it slows the release of sugar into your bloodstream. You gain sustained energy without the crash. For instance, try having a serving of nuts, nut butter (without sugar being added), plain yogurt, to your meals or snacks.

Have Small and Frequent Meals to Fuel your Day

For some of you, when you skip meals or eat too less frequently, your energy levels can dip so low you may overeat at the next meal or gorge on unhealthy snacks. Combine the tips said above for success, and do it daily. For instance, pair a lean protein like the fish or chicken breast with an unrefined carbohydrate like brown rice and the most important thing, the vegetables.

If you follow these tips, you will keep your mind and body at their best all day long and prevent the blood sugar roller coaster in this process.

P.S. Frequently feeling fatigued could also be the reason for any underlying physical condition. Thus, it is recommended to consult your doctor or a qualified nutritionist before you decided to opt for any change in your diet.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

Special Online Diet Program, Designed for Home Quarantine

Do anxiety, boredom, and stress from home isolation are causing you sleeplessness, fluctuations in blood pressure and sugar levels, frequent indigestions? Are you worried about your immunity level and weight gain due to the homestay and due to the absence of morning walks and Gym?
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