Cashew or Kaju as popularly called in India is getting its way into several Indian food menus. Cashew – a plant originating in Brazil, is a nut rich in minerals. Traders brought it to India, the cashew trees grow up to exceptional heights having a quite irregular trunk. Hanging from the branches are big juicy apples at the bottom of which are attached to the cashew nut. Made available the entire year, the nut has a huge shelf life if stored properly. The nut and the fruit, both have various uses.
Nutritionist Avni Kaul says cashew nuts also has several medicinal benefits. Though it has always been believed that cashew can make you develop fat, but an adequate number of cashews in your diet can give you various health benefits.
In this article, Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about the benefits of Cashew Nut.
Supports Heart
As per the study done in The National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) showed that nuts are possibly to be beneficial for health, keeping a tab on several ailments like heart disease. Studies repeatedly show that nut consumption has a cholesterol-lowering impact, in the context of healthy diets, and there is emerging proof of a beneficial impact on oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular reactivity. Cashews assist lower LDL and increase the carrying capacity for HDL. HDL is responsible to absorb the cholesterol from your heart and bring it to the liver where it can be broken down.
Good For Eye
In today’s environment matched with its high pollution, your eyes often suffer from several infections. Cashews contain a potent antioxidant pigment namely zeaxanthin. This pigment is readily and directly absorbed by your retina. It then forms a protective layer over your retina which prevents the harmful UV rays. Moderate quantities of zeaxanthin assist prevent age-related macular degeneration in the elderly thus helps maintain eye health.
Helpful In Preventing Blood Disease
When eating cashews on a daily basis and the limited way it can help in avoiding blood diseases. Cashew nuts are high in copper, which plays an essential role in the elimination of free radicals from your body. Copper deficiency can lead to iron deficiencies like anemia. Hence your diet must contain the recommended quantity of copper. And cashew nuts are a wonderful source.
Provides Strong Hair
Consumption of cashew nuts as well as the usage of cashew oil on your scalp ensures healthy hair. Copper available in cashew nut oil assists in the production of skin and hair pigment termed as melanin. It also improves hair color and can give a silky-smooth texture because of the presence of linoleic and oleic acids.