Paleo Diet Plan by Nutritionist Avni Kaul

The Paleo Diet, popularly known as the “the caveman diet,” or the “paleolithic diet,” is based on this premise, since the agricultural revolution, you have been eating foods your physiology has not adapted to it. Nutritionist Avni Kaul says by eliminating out gluten, dairy, legumes, refined foods, trans fats, and sugar, you are more equipped to counter off degenerative diseases and digestive disorders.

Paleo nutrition asks for the consumption of caveman foods such as grass-fed meat, fish, seafood, fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils. Several people have had incredible health results from the Paleo Diet, which includes weight loss, reduced cholesterol, and no brain fog.

Best Paleo Dietician in Delhi
Best Paleo Dietician in Delhi


Things To Consider While Following Paleo Diet By Nutritionist Avni Kaul

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says the paleo diet can be an effective diet but this diet is not meant for everyone. Though the Paleo diet offers several benefits you should be aware that one diet does not fit everyone. Every individual is not the same so it is important to know what diet one should follow and that includes the paleo diet too.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says the usual paleo diet, however, puts several at risk for deficiencies in the form of calcium and vitamin D, which are vital to bone health. At the same time, saturated fat and protein can be consumed far above suggested levels, boosting the risk of kidney and heart disease and certain cancers.

Thus, it is important you seek professional advice before starting the paleo diet. And Nutritionist Avni Kaul will help you to decide whether your body needs a paleo diet or not. 

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