Are You Worrying About Pollution? Here Are the Foods That Will Build Resistance Against the Impact of Air Pollution 

The air that we all are breathing has again reached dangerous levels of pollution. People with no known history of respiratory problems are visiting hospital emergency rooms. Here Nutritionist Avni would like to introduce you to some natural antioxidants that can help your body deal with this problem. The polluted air that everyone inhales injects ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter, into the lungs.

The protective antioxidants available in the lining of our lungs counter it out till they are out forced, after which the pollutants begin attacking the immune system. Then the body cells form free radicals which cause inflammation. But did you know that antioxidants from the food you eat can lend protection to your body from the harmful impact caused by air pollutants?

This blog by Delhi’s top Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about foods that can help your body against air pollution.

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin is our first line of defense against any injury to human tissues. Vitamin E in our diet generally comes from plant-based cooking oils. Sunflower, safflower, rice bran oil are some of the sources followed by canola, peanut, and olive oil. Almonds and seeds of sunflower are also good sources of this vitamin. Seeds and nuts are rich in fat calories too. So around one ounce per day is sufficient. In addition, you can avail them in the form of spices and herbs such as chili powder, paprika, cloves, and basil which contain a decent amount of vitamin E. Generally most of these are consumed in very small quantities. Making them a part of your regular cooking will help add up to the required total.

Beta Carotene

It plays a very critical role in controlling inflammation due to its antioxidant activity. It is also converted to vitamin A in your body. Leafy vegetables such as spinach, amaranth, methi, and coriander are some of the best sources of beta carotene. Carrots and radish leaves are also very effective.

Vitamin C

It is amongst the most potent antioxidant for our bodies. This water-soluble vitamin is found all through our body and it removes free radicals. Vitamin C also contributes to the regeneration of vitamin E. Sufficient vitamin C in our regular diet is important for maintaining its level in the lungs. Adults require around 40mg of this vitamin/day. Fruits such as oranges, amla, and guava are good sources while amongst the vegetables, cabbage and turnip greens contain vitamin C.

Omega-3 Fats

These safeguard the body against the detrimental impact of air pollution on everyone’s heart health and lipid profile. Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds are good sources while other seeds such as methi, mustard, rajma, black chana, also provide omega-3.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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