Brown Sugar or White Sugar? Which One is More Beneficial?

While you all perhaps share a rather magnetic relationship with desserts and shakes, sugar is a harmful thing that breaks down your body in more ways than one. A survey done by WHO observed that diabetes killed almost 1.5 million people globally. It has become a global factor contributing to health issues. The toxic reality about sugar is that it makes our body vulnerable to numerous other diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity and heart problems. Thus, brown sugar or white, excessive consumption of either could be hazardous to your health.

This article by India’s top dietician Avni Kaul will reflect upon the process of producing brown and white sugar, learning the nutritional value and properties, discussing the health benefits, risks and their alternatives. Thus, assist you make a healthier choice between the two. So, prior to digging deep, let us know about its procedure of production.

The procedure

The initial manufacturing procedure is similar for both brown and white sugar. The sugarcane is initially juiced and then boiled to develop a thick syrup called molasses that then crystallizes. Next, the raw sugar crystals are created when the crystallized sugar is centrifuged.

The last step of manufacturing is different for brown and white sugar. Then, it is processed further and the extra molasses is removed to form smaller crystals for producing white sugar. While for brown sugar, it is manufactured by adding varying amounts of molasses to the refined white sugar.


It will be a shock to you if you think brown sugar is healthier compared to the white sugar. But, they both have almost the similar calorie content.

Brown Sugar has only 0.25 fewer calories than its counterpart, which is negligible. For example, 1 teaspoon (5gm) of both brown sugar and white sugar will contain 20 calories. 

Nutritional value

Brown sugar is equally high in carbohydrates. However, unlike white sugar, which is known to have empty calories, brown sugar has some traces of micronutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin B-6. So, more or less, they are pretty much similar in nutritional profile.

Health benefits of white sugar

Provides a huge burst of energy– White sugar is a form of carbohydrate, also a micronutrient that gives energy to the body. The body breaks down sugar into glucose that can be readily utilized for energy and to carry out several functions.

Enhance brain functioning– Glucose is the source of fuel for our brain. The brain is responsible for thinking, learning, and retention. As the brain is the most energy-demanding organ of the body, it needs a regular supply of glucose and white sugar is able to fulfil the requirements. So, white sugar in controlled quantities can enhance brain functioning.

Elevate mood– Psychologically, sugar makes an individual happy. It is considered a reward for an individual. Also, sugar activates the pleasure point of the brain and causes a rush of dopamine. Thus, immediately lifting your mood.

Heal wounds– White sugar paste when put on a wound, quickly liquefies, letting desloughing. It assists in the formation of granulation tissue and negates the formation of bacteria.

Side effects

Increase the chances of heart diseases– Over consumption of white sugar leads to higher levels of LDL cholesterol. It is also named as bad cholesterol that accumulates and latches to the walls of our arteries and causes blockage. This could lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

Obesity– White sugar has plenty of empty calories. A diet rich in added sugar is rich in fructose and thus boosts hunger pangs in people. Over consumption of fructose causes resistance to leptin that regulates hunger and then leads to obesity.

Hormonal imbalance– Over consumption of sugar could increase blood glucose level in the body and push the pancreas to release more insulin. Excessive insulin formation impacts the ovaries and forms more androgen hormones, like testosterone. It is evident that sugar may disrupt hormones in the body.

Sleeplessness– Sugar is known to decrease the quality of sleep. In order to function properly, an average adult requires 6-7 hours of deep sleep. Proper sleep is also important for the body’s physical restoration and sugar is a big culprit that hinders the process.

Health benefits of brown sugar

Aids weight loss– Brown sugar has fewer calories compared to white sugar. The molasses in brown sugar is known to improve metabolism. It also has other micronutrients. So, one can say that brown sugar helps in reducing weight.

Acts as an immediate energy booster– Brown sugar is a simple carbohydrate that breaks down into glucose. Thus, brown sugar could be added to your food if you feel the requirement for an instant supply of energy.

Relives from menstrual cramps– Certain cultures use brown sugar as a home remedy for easing period cramps. Simply boil some water and add a teaspoon of brown sugar with crushed ginger and tea leaves to relieve the pain.

Exfoliation– Brown sugar is a good physical exfoliant if one wishes to have smooth skin. It eliminates dirt and tiny bumps over your skin.

Side effects

Irregular heartbeat– A sugary food can increase the heart rate and make one uneasy. If you have mildly high blood sugar, your symptoms could be serious such as palpitation, increased thirst, fatigue, etc. Brown sugar could be the cause of irregular heartbeat.

Boosts blood sugar levels– Though brown sugar has lesser calorie content, it could affect your blood sugar levels similar to white sugar. It is also quite harmful to people with diabetes.

Inflammation– Added sugar consumption stimulates the formation of free fatty acids in the liver. When the body digests these fatty acids, it creates inflammation. Poor dietary choices such as consumption of excess sugar creates muscle and joint inflammation in the body. 

Weaken bones– Brown Sugar boosts the chances of osteoporosis and impairs the formation of bones by lowering osteoblast proliferation.

As you have seen the nutritional content of both the forms of the sugar, and also, seen both has its plus and minus, thus it is better to consume them sparingly. Rather you may go for some healthy alternatives which are available in the form of honey, jaggery, coconut sugar


Since brown and white sugar barely make any difference in providing any nutritional value to your diet, you can opt for healthier substitutes as stated above. Sugar is equally essential to provide you with energy in the form of glucose.

However, many of us sometimes inadvertently eat visible sugar in our teas/coffees or invisible sugar in processed, baked foods or fizzy drinks. Also, ensure you limit your sugar consumption and over the due course, make smart swaps to the healthier alternatives for an overall health benefit.

Avni says, to answer the question, is brown sugar actually better than white sugar? The answer is NO, it isn’t.

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