Athletes who are practising for high-intensity endurance sports competitions should increase their intake of carbohydrates for energy.
Endurance sports activity like marathons, triathlons, ultra-runs, century, a double century or cycling for long duration needs more muscle glycogen than usual so as to delay fatigue and enable the athlete to maintain his desired pace for a longer period. Carbo-loading or increasing the intake of carbohydrates help in increasing glycogen stores in the body thereby preventing ‘bonking’ or hypoglycaemia during excessive activity.
The best way to carbohydrate loading is to increase the intake of carbohydrate and reducing strenuous training at the same time so that muscle glycogen stores are filled to capacity and stored.
Carbohydrate loading may lead to weight gain and discomfort due to muscle stiffness for some time but these problems disappear when regular exercise regimen is followed after the carbohydrate loading phase.
Endurance athletes need carbo-loading for better performance. The increase in muscle glycogen help athletes exercises and train for longer periods by keeping fatigue away. However, the enhancement of the performance works only for those who are already at the top because the difference it makes is insignificant where the best are competing against each other. Eating nutritious, high in carbohydrates meals regularly is more important and has more lasting effects than carb-loading just before exercise or an event.

About the author: Avni Kaul is India’s most trusted nutritionist and wellness coach. She is a certified nutritionist as well as Diabetes Educator and specializes in weight management, child nutrition, skin and beauty health, thyroid disorder, cardiovascular health, diabetic management, wedding nutrition, sports nutrition, and corporate wellness.