Diabetes Dietician in Delhi

According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2017, there were 425 million people globally who are suffering from diabetes. While amongst those 82 million people belongs from South-East Asia. While only, in India the number of patients having diabetes was 72, 946, 400. These are whopping numbers. And by the year 2045, it is estimated that the number of diabetics will reach 629 million worldwide.

With diabetes , comes various kinds of lifestyle-related changes you need to make which includes your diet also. 

Suffering From Diabetes Does Not Mean That You Need to Have A Dull Diet

Every time you think about buying food from the supermarket, you make a decision that goes way beyond whether you are going to have something sugary or processed meat in your meals. You are basically opting between being a victim or a victor. What you buy from the supermarket goes a long way toward deciding whether you will be compromised by diabetes or begin controlling and eventually defeat it.

This is why we have to provide you a list of foods for tackling diabetes. So, when you will go to the supermarket next time be sure to buy them.

If you make some key modifications in your diet like eating Complex carbohydrates, consuming good fats and lean protein you can certainly reduce the risk of diabetes-related problems. Before we provide you the list of the food, you need to understand that do not think that taking only a few of them will help you fight diabetes. You need to ensure that you eat most of them consistently so witness the real transformation. Don’t forget to exercise

Here comes the list of much-needed nutrients which would help you to counter diabetes.

Soluble Fiber

Choosing soluble fiber-based food reduces the rise in blood sugar after a meal by almost 70% and keep your blood sugar lower and steadier for hours. Soluble fiber-based food includes turnips, pears, apples, and barley. The soluble fiber drastically slows the digestion and absorption of the carbohydrate.


Chromium picolinate is especially useful who have type 2 diabetes with a lower blood level. It helps in reducing insulin resistance and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Apples, grape juice, whole grains, and green beans are a great source of chromium.


Consuming a diet rich in magnesium can assist decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. Deficiency of magnesium is associated with insulin resistance, which is responsible for type 2 diabetes, the hypothesized increased magnesium is beneficial in preventing these health complications. Magnesium-based foods are flaxseeds, spinach, banana, and legumes.

Monounsaturated Fat

Foods rich in monounsaturated fat, slows digestion and assists keep blood sugar from rising after a meal. A diet high in good fats may also help reverse insulin resistance, which translates to durable blood sugar long-term. Peanut butter, avocados, and soybeans are good sources of monosaturated fat.

P.S. Always consult your physician or a qualified nutritionist before opting for any kind of diet plan.

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