Green Tea and its Benefits

Green tea is not processed much. Therefore it is rich in catechins which is an antioxidant which may prevent cell damage. However, one must have a healthy lifestyle to have a healthy body.

Green tea improves blood flow and lowers cholesterol thereby preventing a range of heart-related issues from high blood pressure to heart failure.

Green tea has been shown to sharpen brain and block the formation of plaque that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Green Tea also stabilizes blood sugar in people with diabetes. It protects from the damage of high-fat diet. It is a myth that Green tea helps in weight loss. It can help only if it is imbibed instead of other sugary drinks.

It is known that Green tea helps healthy cells in all stages of growth. However, whether it prevents cancer or destroys it, it is still a matter of conjecture.

Theanine is an amino acid found in Green Tea. It has a calming effect. Adding lemon to a cup of Green Tea makes it healthier. Vitamin C in lemon makes catechins easier to absorb. Milk should not be added. Some of the benefits of drinking Green Tea are listed below :

  1. Helps Protect Heart Health – Green Tea contains flavanols and anthocyanins, anti-oxidants which benefit metabolic and cardiovascular health. It also contains 10 beta-blocking compounds, seven calcium channel blockers and 16 diuretic compounds which lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also has anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-cancer and neuroprotective compounds.
  2. Green Tea may prevent Alzheimer’s or Memory Loss – Green tea prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter strongly linked with memory. Tea relieves the bad effects of stress on the body too.
  3. Helps protect Brain Cells from Radical damage– It is found that epicatechin found in Green tea somehow protects brain cells from the negative effects of beta-amyloid plaques.
  4. May help prevent Diabetes Or Insulin Resistance –Intake of Flavan-3-old and anthocyanidins found in Green Tea may help normalize blood sugar levels.

Conclusion– Many benefits have been attributed to consumption of Green Tea. However, none of them is conclusively proven except that drinking it relaxes a person. A healthy lifestyle is as important as any other fads. Therefore, one must concentrate on eating healthy food, exercising regularly, abstain from smoking and drinking and try to relax whenever one can.

written by Avni Kaul – Nutritionist and Wellness Coach

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