Healthy Food Practices to Follow During COVID-19

All of a sudden, the cases of coronavirus have gone up. When everyone was thinking that the new year may not be as dreadful as 2020, it just turned out to be the opposite of what people had hoped for.

Though, the rules are the same while practicing safety like wearing a face mask, sanitizing or washing your hands, and maintaining social distancing. However, another aspect that needs to be included is a good lifestyle and a healthy diet.

It is true that no specific food can prevent the widespread coronavirus. But by improving your immunity by having the right food and nutrition can boost the body’s ability to prevent, fight and recover from this disease.

Thus, at this moment it is quite necessary to include healthy foods in your diet more than ever before.

This, article by India’s eminent Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about some healthy food practices to follow during COVID-19.

Fill Your Plate with Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Along with the fruits and vegetables, include whole-grain foods in your diet such as the unprocessed maize, oats, millets, and brown rice. All these help you to stay fuller for longer and are filled with fiber that assists in digestion.

Try having a good mix of whole grains along with fresh fruits in a day and seasonal vegetables with the dairy products such as milk, paneer, and animal products like eggs, fish, and meat. You can also include turmeric, black pepper, cloves, ginger, and garlic in your diet as they contain anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

You can also, include fruits, raw vegetables, and unsalted nuts in the form of snacks.

Include Moderate Amounts of Oil and Fat

The majority of Indian food preparation uses plenty of ghee and butter. Try to restrict it’s usage and rather go for healthier oils such as the extra virgin olive oil, cold-pressed mustard, coconut, and sesame oil, and try not to use refined oils.

If possible restrict red meat and include white meats like chicken or fish and poultry that are usually lower in fats when compared to red meat. Also, reduce the consumption of red meats such as cold cuts and frozen meats. 

Also, try to prevent your food from frying it. Instead, go for sauteing or boil to retain maximum nutrients. Also, try not to consume foods that are high in industrially produced trans-fats.

Reduce Salt Consumption

Try and restrict salt consumption. When making meals try using salt carefully and reduce back salt and condiments such as soy and barbeque sauce. Also, try to prevent having canned foods. If you still wish to go for canned foods go for dried food, a variety of vegetables, and fruits that contain no salt and sugar. Use black pepper instead of table salt while for taste one can also use dried herbs. When buying food products, check for the low sodium content.

Stay Hydrated

Good hydration is vital to maintain health. Ensure you drink pure water. Try not to drink canned beverages. If you do not love plain water, you can also go for coconut water.

Restrict Sugar Consumption

Not just during COVID but overall, sugar is never beneficial. So try to prevent the consumption of sugary drinks, flavored water, and ready-to-drink tea and coffee.

Replace the cakes, chocolates with fresh fruits, or look for alternatives that are made using jaggery and brown sugar.

Take Timely Meals

Following a healthy routine is key. Specifically, in today’s sedentary lifestyle. Thus, eating right along with eating at the correct time is mandatory and that too in the right quantity. Allow, yourself enough time to eat prior to going to your bed. As good digestion is important for a healthy immune system.

P.S. All these steps are just a part of the prevention. One needs to understand they are helpful only if followed properly along with the norms such as social distancing, wearing a face mask, and washing and sanitizing your hands from time to time regularly.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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