Though calorie-crushing workouts play an important role in getting a better reflection in the mirror, what you eat likely plays an equal part—some may argue a larger one—in honing your physique. So, what should you eat? We thought you’d never ask.
The latest science indicates that there is a grocery cart full of foods that have what it takes to transform your body for the better. So, if your goal for the year ahead is to transform your weight, Dietician Avni says here’s the ultimate food list to transform your physique into a showstopper.
Here, leading weight loss dietician Avni Kaul shares 5 foods for jaw-dropping weight loss transformation. Eat the following foods and witness the transformation.
Beans provide you with plenty of health benefits. And for physique-minded individuals, all sorts of beans must be on the menu regularly. As mentioned above, beans provide an array of nutritional highlights including plant-based protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
In fact, in one study published recently, in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, it was seen that a bean-heavy, fibre-rich diet is as effective as a lower-carbohydrate method for weight loss, but far superior when it comes to enhancing cholesterol levels.
What’s more, a University of Minnesota investigation saw that subjects were simply as satisfied after eating a higher-fiber bean-based meal as they were following a meat meal. Certainly, a serving of beans has far fewer calories compared to a serving of meat.

Green tea
Green tea is an ancient drink with modern weight losing powers. In a recent study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, participants who were given a caffeine-free green tea extract experienced a 25% higher rate of fat oxidation during exercise compared to those who received a placebo. The supplement group also saw a higher drop in weight levels following a month-long study.
Green tea is rich in catechin-polyphenols (ECGC), which are partially responsible for the anti pudge capacity. So, drink some green tea as a calorie-free way to stay hydrated and rev up your weight-reducing machine.
Blueberries have numerous health benefits, but you might not know about their ability to help you uncover those abs. An investigation in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry indicates that pterostilbene, an antioxidant component found in these berries, might help keep pudge at bay by decreasing the activity of enzymes involved in fat storage, while also boosting fat oxidation.
Pro tip: Since they contain a higher skin-to-flesh ratio, wild blueberries are particularly rich in antioxidants.
An apple a day might not just keep the doctor away—it might also keep the flabs at arm’s length. Research in Japan indicates that polyphenol compounds present in apples (mostly in the peel, FYI) might improve body-fat measures by changing compounds involved in fat metabolism.
These polyphenols were shown to boost levels of adiponectin, a protein that plays an important role in energy regulation, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and insulin sensitivity. Low levels of adiponectin, which are seen in obese populations, are associated with insulin resistance, a pro-inflammatory environment, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure.
It remains to be decided how many apples an individual would require to eat to witness an impact, but in the meantime, it cannot hurt to include one to two into your daily fruit quota. In fact, a Harvard study found that an enhanced consumption of apples and pears led to more weight loss in persons second only to berries out of all fruits examined.
If you want to win the battle of the bulge, be certain to go nuts for nuts. A study out of Loma Linda University in California found that having tree nuts—a group that includes pistachios, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts—as part of your healthy eating schedule is strongly linked with a decreased risk for obesity.
How could this be, when nuts are filled with calories? It turns out that nuts such as pistachios have a powerful mixture of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that helps keep you from turning to other higher-calorie foods having less impressive nutritional resume. Also, pistachios have the fewest calories of all nuts.
Pro tip: If you have a problem eating only a reasonable portion of nuts, turn to pistachios still in their shell. The job of shelling the nuts will help keep portions in check by letting you slow down your eating.
Please keep in mind that no single food is going to help you reduce weight, but eating the foods above mentioned regularly is going to help.